
‘So tell me, did that camel pass through the eye of the needle when Billy and his bags of money applied for entry into heaven?

Lesli Linka Glatter, Class of 1984, has had a pretty productive career directing television, Twin Peaks/Mad Men/Homefront and a whole bunch of episodes of some of the top network series in the 90' and 00's. Both Glatter and Dyan Cannon got Oscar nominations for the short films they made for the program.

Mr. Mike: No, not quite, Uncle Remus. In my story, they respect his wishes and skin him alive. I mean, it’s all very amusing to talk about being skinned alive in some children’s book, but can you imagine it actually going down? Toward the end, when they were cutting the ears away from the side of the skull, he was

Highly doubt that Jamm ends up in the Good Place, even if he donated both his kidney’s to save multiple service animals he would have had some kind of non-altruistic ulterior motive for doing so....  

What do expect from a state founded by Quakers. Green Guy was lucky he didn’t get arrested for dancing.

I’ve got a feeling that if the SK hosts don’t properly clap for Kim Jong Ils’ little sister those ceremonies are going to suddenly get very,very,very,very hot.

This was a civil lawsuit, guilt or innocence had nothing to do with the judges ruling. Apparently, even with lessor burdens of proof required for a civil case, the judge felt that the evidence wasn’t good enough to continue with the proceedings.

Or degenerates who drag their mutant offspring to a r-rated movie and then continually shush them when the rugrats get restless.

You need to educate yourself about read up about Louis Sockalexis, The Indians were named in honor of the man....and anybody who thinks the current logo, which was redesigned in the 1950's is racist, should look up the original logo. Your heads will probably explode.

Hey, they didn’t nominate Jethro Tull so I guess that’s a victory.

I was being polite, when it comes to bigoted, ill-advised, misinformed, uneducated and downright insane observations concerning human sexuality, Dworkin was the prime example.

Great, now this horror show has us resurrecting the stinking corpse of Andrea Dworkin.

You are correct sir, the Imperials elected to divert power from their shields to their weapons.

...bet you didn’t shoot the deputy court clerk either.

Simple, take the Simon’s and Penney’s of that world and put them on trial for Aiding and Abetting the commission of a felony crime. Get the best prosecutor in the system on the case and hopefully get a conviction. Put them in prison for a long...long time.

There’s this little thing called AIDING AND ABETTING A FELONY CRIME.

..as well as the best light-saber duel in the entire series.

I think the Dept. of Redundancy Corrections Dept. missed that one, the lazy slogs.

That, and the fact that Hillary proved that a woman can be just as bad a candidate as any misogynist, abusive male candidate can.

Romero’s eyeglasses were bigger, and they’ve continued to grow even after his death.