
I learned to drive on my dad’s Chevy with a 3 on the tree. My first 4/floor car was pretty exciting in comparison. 

Like maybe.... an airplane window?

A local pizza restaurant in our area started selling these Italian chips. I’m hooked on them. San Carlo Classic Italian Potato Chips.

NOPE, not required to be free here in PA. Most chains have free, independents usually aren’t/

I live in central Pa and have had numerous business dealings with Amish for decades. One of my retail suppliers has a commercial building near his non-electric house. Between the two is a narrow ditch with a plank crossing it. On one side is his traditional Amish home, on the other his building equipped with computer,

I bought a new 95 wagon with the manual. Great car and a blast to drive.

Back in the 90's I owned a few convivence stores in our area. We opened very early in the morning to catch the work crews headed out to job sites. The’d fill up on fuel, usually diesel for the equipment, which took a while to fill.

I was at a summer pool party once where a dozen women spent 4+ hours discussing the different shades of the color teal. They’re gonna love this.

These are great, especially in a minivan full of hungry kids.

Our local HD and Lowes have free air pumps at the commercial trade entrance. 

We’ve been making Spatchcock whole chickens for years. Make up a batch of filling and lay the open bird over it. Cooks up perfectly. I’m ok with turkey once a year, but chicken and filling can easily be made all year long.

I agree. I tip after the meal, after the service, after I’m finished. If forced to tip as they ring up my order, I put in zero. If I have a server, I’ll tip cash to them personally.

Every farm stand and country market has them here in Lancaster Co. Pa.

Our local Lowes stores have free air near the contractor’s entrance.

DUCK FAT!!! Oh good Lord that sounds truly decadent. Same ratio as with coconut oil?

Looks more like “Shxt in a blanket”

They used to hang horse thieves. Maybe it’s time we start doing that to those arrested. 

Or how about we respect others and not violate the law? Wouldn’t that be a better solution? I know it’s not going to happen. Too many morons breeding other morons. 

Works for me. Endanger the lives of others, pay the price.

Get a bag of these as well and mix them 50/50. Sublime.