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    I don’t know what he thinks is going to happen, but it’s all pretty dependent on some disaster (natural or otherwise) that takes out the entire government but leaves the population and infrastructure in place, and assumes he’s the most heavily armed person in the area. And given the number of people he’s told his plan

    I wouldn’t bet too heavily on that. I know a guy, and he’s far from alone, who’s had a plan for civil war since Obama took office, and he’s real proud of it. First thing he does, he says, is shoot his neighbors and take their stuff. The second thing is to collect all the “new currency” he can: food, ammunition and

    How many more before he’s eligible for a position in the Republican President’s cabinet?

    With every Giuliani segment I watch [...] stop putting this man on my television!

    Like i feel like this is straight out of a damned soap opera.

    Just like every other “constitutional conservative”: they know one Amendment by heart and haven’t even read any other part of it.

    Finally, Giuliani broke down, shouting, “Please! Can I just make my point?!”

    I once knew a guy who spelled his name “Gym”. He was a complete twat, too.

    No, see, they’re just asking questions: Why did HillaryObama get the Ukraine to hack the DNC? Why did they make it look like the Russians did it? Where is Hillary’s server? See? They’re not saying anything.....

    The mustache would be drawn on with Sharpie  

    It’s the old “perjury trap” defense not realizing that’s basically admitting you have something to lie about.

    And bike helmets.

    My friend owns a bus company.  I wonder if he’s taking investors ....

    “We talked to him about it, about how I was disappointed with his behavior and it was unacceptable,” Tony said. “Surprisingly, the commissioner was very receptive to it and understand he could have took a different approach and we’re gonna work together to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.”

    He borrowed a page from the Right Wing Congressional Playbook: the real crime is the reporting of the crime. Oh, and calls for “civility”.

    They’re playing reddit detective again

    Okay, guys, when girls say, “he’s not creepy because he’s unattractive, he’s unattractive because he’s creepy,” this is what they mean. It takes “cringe-worthy” to a whole new level.

    Sure, Geraldo, we can have a steel cage match in Al Capone’s vault.

    If there is no choice or switching costs are prohibitively high, then so be it and you must deal with it. Don’t bitch about it, though.

    Theater. Nothing else. You’re not going to learn anything about the candidates by watching them pivot questions from a moderator into what they want to talk about.