Which they will flat out ignore. That’s my point: we’ve already been through this.
Which they will flat out ignore. That’s my point: we’ve already been through this.
Would you just stop? It isn’t even original....
The Republican President only declared the emergency after Congress denied him his wall money. They know he will veto it and it gives them the ability of appearing to care about Congress’ power over the purse.
Apparently the White House is now saying they’ll release a redacted version of the whistleblower complaint sometime this week. Gee, why does this all sound so familiar? Where are those “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” idiots now?
“Just fix it!”
“Stop hitting ‘reply-all’.”
Who here has not fielded a frantic call from an older relative asking how to “unsend” an email?
Good bye, troll. I really should have gone on this long, but now you can fuck off.
Before the transcript was released you said you were already dismissing it.
Independent verification by a trustworthy source.
Uh, yeah, if you’re learning sex from internet porn, you’re doing it way wrong. I used to deliver pizzas. All I can say is that porn greatly exaggerated the number of times I would be met at the door by scantily clad women looking for sex. It only happened to me two, three times a week tops. I even said, “I got your…
Do you still not trust it?
Let’s wait before we dismiss it. Unless I want to dismiss it. Then I’ll dismiss it.
A transcript prepared by the people who it could possibly incriminate is not terribly reliable evidence in any case, especially not from this administration. And let’s see the complaint before we dismiss it out of hand, shall we? If it’s bogus, then so be it. But no, the transcript is a lie.
This administration has already demonstrated it cannot be trusted. Anyone who puts any faith in this transcript is deluding themselves. Where’s the whistleblower report? Why aren’t they releasing that? I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.
Now, I already couldn’t look at her without wondering where her pom poms and pleated skirt are, and now you show me this?
He said it was, so of course not.
Trump is clearly winning, but Boris’s Brexit ‘finisher’ is a wild card... wait... is that .... is that Trudeau with the black face out of no where? Oh my god!
The “internet of things” is like sex in high school: far more people are talking about it than doing it, and the ones who are doing it are doing it wrong.
Starring this because, holy fuck is that funny...