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    He said it was, so of course not.

    Trump is clearly winning, but Boris’s Brexit ‘finisher’ is a wild card... wait... is that .... is that Trudeau with the black face out of no where? Oh my god!

    The “internet of things” is like sex in high school: far more people are talking about it than doing it, and the ones who are doing it are doing it wrong.

    Starring this because, holy fuck is that funny...

    Oh, you sweet summer child ...

    Now that it’s been vetted to hell

    The Republican President is apparently now saying he’s going to release the transcript of the call. I bet a dollar it’s badly marked up with Sharpie, with entire passages crossed out but still legible.

    The mere thought hadn’t even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing her mind.

    I’ll believe it when I see it.  The House is full of people more concerned with keeping their jobs than doing them.

    No, I’m not.

    No, they didn’t.

    That didn’t happen.

    You can be pointlessly pedantic all you like, but I’m going to ignore it.


    More than half.


    Jesus, you just aren’t even trying anymore....

    Neither did I.  They didn’t get a majority of VOTERS either.  Neither one got more than 48%.  Your pedantic ass is hanging out....

    A majority of voters voted for Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.

    *taps nose knowingly*