Where’s Tony Perkins to tell her that hurricanes are caused by teaching evolution in school?
Where’s Tony Perkins to tell her that hurricanes are caused by teaching evolution in school?
Simply eliminate the automatic exemption for churches. Make them apply for 501(c)3 status just like every other non-profit and hold them to the same rules like, oh, I don’t know, not allowing lobbying or campaigning for political candidates.
Well, he got nailed to a board the last time, too.
You’re complaining about the tone and not the content of the argument. That’s literally tone policing. Stop it already.
Yeah, when the premise is that flawed, I ignore the conclusion entirely.
Perkins said. “I mean, look, we’ve taught our kids that they come about by chance through primordial slime,
No, you literally are.
That’s what got me. I mean, it’s not like he wore a tan suit....
Oh, goody. The Tone Police are here....
I’m talking about the objective, logical, and rational analysis of information to form a reasoned and informed opinion about a subject.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, stop it. The whole point is that the “bedbug” comment would have been buried in the flood of Twitter if Stephens didn’t specifically draw attention to it. All Stephens had to do was ignore it and it would have disappeared never to be heard from again and nobody would ever have known who Dave Karpf …
For what it’s worth, Secret Service veterans are reportedly not thrilled that the president keeps insisting his personal property is easier to secure.
I like how the older generation complains about the younger one as if they had nothing to do with it. These kids weren’t giving themselves participation trophies....
How did this pitch get anywhere beyond, “what the fuck?”
I thought law abiding gun owners weren’t violent? Isn’t that why were supposed to trust them?
Time to look forward to some well-intentioned, good-faith media criticism from this group, and definitely not an orchestrated effort to smear anyone who covers Trump’s campaign misdeeds for anything they’ve ever said that could be remotely construed as a criticism of Trump and the Republican Party.
That’s the best part: we don’t have to. Twitter is full of the Republican President chastising Obama for playing golf.
/spies triple negative/
That’s all I need to know about you.
“Competent Chiro”. That’s funny, troll.