I'm just happy to see Ernie Hudson still working.
In the AV Club reviews of The Strain, they have a weekly "Billy Zane Hair Update". Since I wasn't familiar with Corey Stoll, it took me a while to understand what that was all about.
I'll go see this just to see Corey Stoll on the big screen. He should have had an Emmy for his work in House of Cards.
No, because Barrowman.
I don't have that. :(
Man, their fundamentals have just gone to hell since LaRussa retired.
I would pay $100 for another Mortal Kombat game with these people rotoscoped in as they look today. They don't even need to fight, just sit around in their costumes and talk about the good old days.
That is a really weird complaint. What is wrong with calling them the Habs?
What amuses me more is that he picks a main character, then lets the wife go as a non-descript white mage. I guess its a good thing that most people will be too impressed by the overall display and not familiar enough with character background to make offense or not of this =P
Regardless, gratz to them. Must've cost a…