
The “bomb” just dropped by JJJ may of course just be the opening salvo. I can imagine Team Mysterio... Mysterions??,,, flooding social media with doctored cell phone videos or other “evidence” to back up their fake narrative. They have the footage, now it’s all about recontextualizing the story it conveys.

This goes triple for love interests - Superman is more fun when Lois knows, Spidey is more fun when Gwen and/or MJ knows, Batman is more fun when Selina knows, etc.

I still hate how they turned Justin Hammer and his tech into a running joke. I can see how they didn’t want to have back to back films with evil industrialist, but it was a real disservice to the character. Personally I would have preferred a more Machiavellian Justin Hammer, manipulating events behind the scenes.

One of the things that I have found laughable is people complaining that a simple Google search of Quentin Beck would have shown that he was a former Stark Employee.

Tony’s company made the weapons. Does it matter how they wound up in the hands of terrorists? Until he came face to face with the cold reality, he was seemed intentionally “blind” to the evil his inventions caused.

I also believe they’ll be back, as will Quentin Beck... even though he probably didn’t survive the events of Far From Home. With the right hologram technology or someone adept at masquerading as other people, it would be easy to make people believe he’s still alive.

We knew, that despite all diplomacy and the handshaking and the rhetoric, to build a better world sometimes means tearing the old one down. And that makes enemies.

Speaking to Empire as part of a new cover story, director and co-writer Todd Phillips discussed the comic book inspirations behind his (and Joaquin Phoenix’s) take on the clown prince of crime...or rather, the lack thereof:

Don’t forget his loyal customer base, back when he was the so called “Merchant of Death”.

“Tony Stark had basically no loved ones aside from Pepper”

In the Wolf of Wall Street info dumb (Team Mysterio pub celebration), Beck gives kudos to the guy who came up with the multiverse backstory. Would be interesting if this script doctor actually turned out to be more than he appears.  

People have been asking if Spider-Man, is going to be the next Iron Man. If you inherit the power and position, knowingly or unknowingly you accept the baggage that comes along with that power.

They could even try to fake us out, by using an illusion of Quentin Beck as the face of their organization.

Mysterio going around the room, to give kudos to all those involved, almost felt like a scene out of The Wolf of Wallstreet. A very efficient exposition mechanic, that didn’t feel forced or contrived.

My personal dream scenario would have been to have The Rocketeer in the MCU... a contemporary of Peggy, who found himself working with the SSR or maybe nascent SHIELD organization. Someone would have to pick up the slack after Cap went into the ice. We know that Hank and Janet were involved in operations, during the

I really liked John Carter. Taylor Kitsch was survivable, but not the most dynamic actor. The marketing of the film also didn’t do it any favors.  The greatest problem though, was trying to tell a sweeping epic in just over 2 hours.  

The Shadow also has a lot of baggage tied to the character. Rather than going with the original, perhaps they could adapt a different character (other than Batman), who was inspired by the noir sleuth/crime fighter.

You know, I might.