For all the disagreement that exists in the automotive space, I think we can all come together on this one:
For all the disagreement that exists in the automotive space, I think we can all come together on this one:
This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all…
Though the GamerGate trolls have lessened in number since 2014 (or perhaps many of them have slunk back to their dank caves to hit their Juuls, wank, and blow the embedded food crumbs out from the crannies of their keyboards),
I have two launch day controllers and neither of them have any issues whatsoever. I have no idea what you people are doing with your controllers.
Cataclysm remains the real turning point where WoW’s story became terrible, because the plot choices they made were just outrageously contrived.
I haven’t played or paid attention to World of Warcraft since Warlords, but I’m sad to see Thrall kept fucking off.
Oh, we’re just NOW in the worldsoul saga? It hasn’t been going on for the last three previous expansions before Dragonflight? You know the one where the dude with the big ass sword who’s entire motivation is to destroy the worldsoul was dealt with, or the expansion that was all about the wordsoul’s blood leaking all…
“how is it going to be interesting knowing what’s going to happen?”
well dragging the story out over the last several years hasn’t really been interesting either
I like to call it “The Corporate Committee Design Aesthetic”.
we’re still very much in the research phase of this new era of sex speedrunning
To Thrall! The cause of, and solution to, all of Azeroth’s problems!”
The best advice is probably just to roll with it and not worry, honestly.
Konami has lost the juice, they aren’t good at doing things anymore.
Even after moving away from actively developing their own games, they are still unable to manage the brands they own without disappointing everyone.
I see what they’re getting at, but it’s needlessly contentious.
So what exactly is wrong with me ‘cheating’ on a single player game because you guys effed up the game design? Or because I want Leon dressed like Batman?
Wow mah brodas! Capcom breaking records in “BS per paragraph”.
It’s been a ridiculous year. Just in the second half of it and not counting indie games, I do not have the time to divide between Tears of the Kingdom, Street Fighter 6, Armored Core 6, Final Fantasy 16, Alan Wake 2, Starfield, Baldur’s Gate 3, and Remnant 2.
I’m disappointed, but I recognize that this is the direction the series is going.
Final Fantasy XV is underrated? It’s the most disappointed I’ve ever been in an FF game. I get actively angry thinking about the wasted potential with the story, chraracters and world. The whole way it was released and handled came off like the devs being honestly shocked that people care about those things in a Final…
I was hoping the review would sway me but I think I’m going to sit this one out. The demo didn’t wow me and it sounds like the game is basically just more of that. I’m disappointed, but I recognize that this is the direction the series is going.
If I ever do end up playing this it’ll be when it goes on a steep discount…