I wish I didn’t need to write a guide for such a thing, but here we are. Have fun!
I wish I didn’t need to write a guide for such a thing, but here we are. Have fun!
Can we get a guide on herbs please? I need to know about every kind of herb
you see what happens when you find a rebel on a moon? you see what happens when you feed zack snyder scrambled eggs
At this point Republic/Universal has enough money to open their own pressing plants again, take the load off the rest, and save money at scale. Not that Universal or someone else wouldn’t then gobble the vacated capacity back up.
how well — if at all — the controls for X-Wing and TIE Fighter would translate to a game pad
There was the 2004 version, which was ported to PSP: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3920/Sid_Meiers_Pirates/
Salted caramel is savory?!
They already have a player rating system, I’m surprised they don’t scale it to that. A few thousand bucks or more to the 90+ QBs and case of beer for the 45 OVR 3rd punter
Paracock? Peemount? Cockmount? Mountcock?
I’m not disputing that at all. I’m rather noting that it’s the predominant (and in a lot of games, the only) kind of relationship you can have with these characters; there aren’t often options for a relationship between the characters to have existed before the stressful event, with often contrived total estrangement…
One of the problems for me in so many video game romances is the time compression of it all. A lot of these romances take place in what amounts to a few weeks, months at most, between people who’ve never met and are dealing with a high-stress situation. As a writer there’s only so much you can meaningfully say about…
It’s set in the Indian Ocean, so you won’t get European stuff. Instead, you’ll get 15th-century Korean rocket-arrow launchers. The Dutch are here too, so you’ll get 17th-century torpedoes pioneered by Cornelis Drebbel, who invented the submarine in 1620.
Sometimes I wonder if Kotaku has enough content to make it through one whole week without empty-calorie influencer/streamer rage bullshit, most of which is either baseless or straight up encourages bad industry and community trends when sites like Kotaku even acknowledge it
Unfrosted strawberry with Nutella spread on after toasting.
“Now, youngsters right out of school, in their garage, can actually make games without learning Assembly, like Richard Garriot [the creator of the Ultima series] had to.” — Warren Spector
could’ve just quoted him $69,420 then
Satire isn’t a legal excuse to claim fair use. Parody is, though.
As long as hours played and concurrent players are primary metrics, survival mechanics aren’t going away.
Counterpoint: They completely massacred my boy Denholm Elliott, the kleptomaniacal bisexual king. He looks fucking ghoulish in this