
As we are starting to see from recent news, the cruelty from nintendo is the point.

Eat a snack, guy. Your blood sugar is dangerously low. I hope.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

This is unfortunately how it happens. There’s zero need for the copyright holder to contact you in any way with how Youtube is set up.

Some hiring managers will do stuff like look you up on

That’s easier said than done, though. Games on the scale of Morrowind take far more effort and money than they did in the 90s, because technology has progressed faster than revenue. Not to mention how tons of games only exist because they utilize third party tools and engines, and developers only have so much control

SEO tactic. New people are playing the game so they’ll be searching online for quest tips.

“Sure he violated the terms of his contract but the I don't like the games so good for him."

Gamers were a fucking mistake.

agree with your first point, but this...

The difference in tone of the responses to the Amouranth article and this one, both revolving around Twitch streamers and their choice to branch out from the medium, is instructive.

It’s your “neckbeard and body pillow” moment mate, grow up and understand the century you live in.

Who handed you a keyboard though?

I think her contract with Twitch is close to lapsing(if it hasn’t already) but from what I understand if you have a lucrative contract with twitch, you are expected to stream 1XX hours a month. So streaming six to twelve hours a day, several days straight is a way to get a few days off.

It’s like they’re trying to make it sound that they’re cutting back because of burnout but it instead seems like it’ll be the same level of public-facing work but across more platforms.

I don’t know how much you know about Twitch, but it’s so much more grueling than something like Instagram or TikTok. It’s way more exhausting to be *on* for 6, 8, 10 hours in front of an audience every day than it is to post a couple 30 second videos every day.

This was excellent shitposting, thank you. Can you recommend a decent review of Hunter that isn’t straight up trolling?

World of Darkness is not Monster of the Week. It has a fair amount of mechanical granularity, without getting bogged down.

Did this article really need a 15 paragraph screed on how the confusing and mathematically ill-conceived old Difficulty system was better? Especially if you’re trying to persuade D&D players to try it?

I know it doesn’t need me to defend it as it’s a juggernaut of the industry, but do we *really* always need to contrast, with heaping shade that borders on disdain, every TTRPG with D&D? This is a good breakdown of Hunter that doesn’t AT ALL need to even bring up D&D. Unnecessary. Churlish, even.