
looking forward to Lyon’s Vegeta response and Montpellier’s Naruto

Additional context at Variety.

looking forward to deadspin infinitupling its NWHL coverage as a result

ah fuck of course I got M’Baku wrong

raph would but donny wouldn’t

M’Baka was in the Infinity War trailer and people are already on that joke (because it’s a good joke)

was going to say, i live close enough to bus there in 10 minutes but even the strip-mall thai place down the block is better, and serves macarons

nah bruh i can see why you’d think it’s a real place but it’s actually in a game called minecraft. it’s not real

if she doesn’t read JJBA I’ll eat all of the Gucci i own

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Megan Duggan, Shannon Szabados, Alex Carpenter, Marie-Philip Poulin, and the right post of the Canadian goal


context read on the Kooks Burritos story opening this piece back from around when it happened. round-table interview with a bunch of local chefs, all but one non-white, from back in june

as a bonus, it’s not even the first time this week in southwestern Kentucky that a kid with an early-childhood developmental disability got a special first-time start in a basketball game and nailed a shot

whatever dude just play from the toilet

thought you had written “Kenneth became a god” because, well, yeah

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according to the video linked in the article, it took Arc 2-4 months to model, rig, color, and animate each character in Xrd using the same process as DBFZ, so i’m not surprised they focused on a small roster. the process is so hand-crafted that the main way they’d speed it up is by hiring more artists. unless they
