oh perfect reply, thanks a million. dropping the video link in here for simplicity
oh perfect reply, thanks a million. dropping the video link in here for simplicity
i still play this game! one of my favorite 16-bit fighters, and i had almost no idea what dbz was when i first came across it
that just makes me want them to do a jojo’s game even more tbh
there are moments when it looks really good, but just as many when the baked-in shadows or some of the animations or the heavy lines break the effect
also can we _pleeeeeeease_ get this team/this engine/this whatever magic confluence of everything to make this game, also make a jojo’s game. for the love of god can we get a jojo’s game that looks this good
so there’s literally no way to make this game look bad, is that correct
if this is the best coverage of the nwsl y’all can manage then don’t bother. team hasn’t folded yet, another ownership group is in talks, the league delayed all announcements indefinitely, and the league has already been paying to keep the team afloat
put it up as a $5 task on amazon mechanical turk and i’ll see what i can do
Who the fuck outside of ornithologists and obsessive bird watchers knows the scientific name of the house wren
After muttering something incomprehensible, the goblins draw their weapons and your party is obliged to draw theirs
well there goes another 20 years of american obesity, thanks kev
thanks for the band name “klingon tit haters”
there really should be a smartphone grip with a headset passthrough for voice chat. just integrate that silly hori dongle into the grip. still would be too complicated than it ought to be but would be a lot more manageable
spouse’s dog saved their life. I can’t compete with that. all i do is fart a little bit less.
“earnest-looking motherfuckers” man I for sure thought you meant this guy for a second
Schur isn’t the guy behind the Jacksonville stuff. That’s Joe Mande.
best part of that clip is the photog just dropping dead after getting in the way of the celebration
> Richard Spencer’s think tank