
I was addressing the casting decisions. I agree that the show went off the air because there was no life in the series. If the scripting had been better, critics would not be looking so closely at demographics.

Excellent defense of Shatner, and I couldn't agree more.

I think the reason why Enterprise comes off as regressive is that it was meant as commentary. If the other Trek shows get seemingly more diverse over time, then the prequel must reflect Star Fleet's less-diverse origins. This, of course, doesn't make much sense when the show looks like a step backward from our own

Now I understand why you won't be convinced. Your understanding is locked on the high school definitions and categorization. Those are very simplistic and static seeming. Reality is much more nuanced. For example, nothing prevents a socialist from being religionist, though separately they are assigned to opposite

Sorry, I had to go light some fireworks. (The literal, not the rhetorical kind. LOL)

Sorry, I had to set off some fireworks. (The literal, not the figurative kind. LOL)

Nice shrug-off. "The point is to remember history." Except the point of lobbing the Hitler attack on an opponent is to forget history by projecting the whole thing on your enemy and deny any connection to history for yourself.

Not a sound comparison. No baseless extensions to Lenin ever get made, at least nowhere near as often as Hitler references. My point from the start is that no one self identifies with the bad guys and, assuming you trend left, you only prove my point. You will cite reasons why Hitler is right wing and deny any

Because in the context of "defending the homeland" it makes sense.

Quick! Pretend like you understood all along!

The logo they cribbed was the game logo, not the logo of the city's villian. It's a strained claim to say they appropriated the villian that way. It actually suggests the hero.

Thik about that statement. Comparing Republicans to Hitler isn't an insult to the good Republicans. Replace "Republicans" with any other interest group and "Hitler" with the corresponding slur and what do you get? And then you slip in an insinuation that there are no "good" ones. Nice.

Not at all. But that's the interbellum German political specturm. To even suggest it overlaps with the current American politual spectrum is a dubious assertion.

My money would be on an apolitical type for most of the reasons I've already given.

In order to get it, you would have to know that conservatives stupidly criticized the HOPE poster for resembling Soviet propaganda. But that would require exposure to things outside your bubble.

Bull, in an era of hyperpartisanship, which pretty obviously we are entrenched in, the problem is exaggerated distinctions. In terms of how near either political faction is to giving rise to the next Hitler, both are incredibly distant except in rhetoric, where everyone is straining to get as close as possible. So to

I shouldn't bother. I tried pointing out that a conservative wouldn't automatically associate himself with the villains because human nature/different perspective. As I keep going on about perspective, don't you think I know that not everyone thinks like I do? But human nature informs some likelihood, like a creative

Thank you for missing my point entirely. Yes, being evenhanded denotes a distaste for liberals as it equally denotes a distaste for conservatives. It's distasteful and lazy to dismiss every difference of perspective as rooted in evil. A lot of lip service is paid to understanding different perspectives, but in

Or he's not. IDK why everyone here is so eager to claim an FNC employee as one of their own. See my other response below.

OMG, if it makes everyone orgasmic to think that FNC had a petty liberal troll in the art department, by all means, pleasure yourselves to the thought of it. I'm just saying, as a designer, I can't think of the circumstances that would compel me to work for them, and no one I know is any different. So to my mind, he's