
Never tried the deli sandwiches, but then, I'm VERY picky about where I buy my cold sandwiches. I want the people and the store to be clean enough to perform surgery. Bonus if the employees are wearing actual scrubs. ;-)

I said it's hard for me to imagine. That's hardly attributing a hive-mind to liberals or graphic designers. It's based on my firsthand experience as a designer working with other designers. And while I know the idea of infiltrating FNC is appealing to several of them, I don't know any with the stamina to actually do

Not liking your job is one thing. Going to work for an organization that you're ideologically opposed to is another. I'm sure FNC doesn't just have to settle on who it hires. Odds are, the guy who did this doesn't care one way or the other. Contrary to popular myth, all creatives are not hardcore left-wing OWS types.

Well then I guess I feel sorry for the poor designer who is so shitty that not only does he rip off other people's ideas, but he has to work for someone he considers the devil.

Honestly, as a graphic designer, I have a harder time imagining a liberal designer going to work for FNC. As a group, we're pretty big into job satisfaction, which includes not working for people we hate. Subversion has it's limits.

Source: Hortense the Mule-Faced Girl

I'm sure it's "parent-and/or-guardianland." Don't be so insensitive.

@Dikachu:disqus @anxie:disqus

I know what you mean. Obama's '08 campaign totally wrecked Soviet-era constructivism for me. ;-)

It's an irony of perspective. If you actually watch Fox News, you'll find that they see themselves as also against bigotry, xenophobia, etc. They're just going about it differently. (Wrongly, to their detractors.)

It could just as likely be the doing of a young intern who understood Bioshock Infinite completely differently than you did. See my convo above with @Douay-Rheims-Challoner to see what I mean.


In the classical sense, no, it makes no sense to call Hitler a liberal. But in the American political sense, liberal has different meaning. To wit, American "liberalism" often argues that the law is too permissive, an historically conservative position. Likewise, American "conservatism" tends anti-regulatory, a

That's assuming that FNC considers the game to be anti-conservative. You know the "reel 'merkans" denounce each other over the slightest differences. Guarantee you that anyone at FNC who knows Bioshock, doesn't identify with Comstock and probably thinks he's a liberal.

The irony depends on how you look at it. Does the network's appropriation of Bioshock Infinite imagery suggest affiliation with the game's villain or the protagonist? What is ironic is that Barsanti would assume that he and Fox News would interpret these things in the same way.