
Speaking of Commander Lilith’s DLC, I definitely need to finish it. I think I was using an older Borderlands Reborn mod and it borked the first quest line and I couldn’t advance; I just need to start a new “boosted” and clean character to clear it.

LoL, true. After 20+ playthroughs of anything, any scenery starts to get a little drab, no matter how good it is.

Handsome Jack really made BL2 pop; really all of the character in BL2 are just so well written and voiced. But for me, the jokes start to wear thin after the 20+ time through.

I think my issue with chatty dialogues is that they wear thin after hearing them for the 20th time; Borderlands is a game that I’ll pick up, play, beat, and reload instantly, either on a higher difficulty or with a new character.

I’m personally of two minds on it. I’ve loved the BL franchise since the start, but reading over the reviews that are out there, the overly chatty dialogues, forgettable story and villains, and uninspired quests are kind of dulling my enthusiasm for 3. I’m hoping to see some player reviews shortly in order to get a

Oh god... I rather not feel that level of cringe I felt before the BL3 reveal. “Get on with it already!”

Thank you! My degree is in Journalism and every time there’s a political screw-up, it seems like journalists default to “-gate”. It’s been so overused that it’s now lazy.

Yes, I agree that they should be thought of as the Nazis of the Star Wars franchise. However, and maybe I’m reading too far into your comment, but saying that this is ‘acceptable’ Nazi cosplay implies that many of these people may espouse actual Nazi beliefs, which I don’t know if that’s the case.

I do agree that

While I understand that this could be construed as ‘acceptable’ Nazi cosplay, I’d like to differ on the opinion. The article cited says, “The exact cut of the uniforms was certainly familiar, but didn’t rely precisely on the dress of the Second World War. The overall color palette and feel for the Empire was intended

I’m capped at Hulu (and by proxy of being an Amazon Prime member, Prime video). I used to love Netflix, but getting shows yanked out from under you got tiresome. New shows =/= better shows.

I’m wondering if there’s going to be a resurgence in physical media or if we’re going to start seeing an uptick in *cough* other

I guess the question that most of us have is, “Why not reallocate funds from Fortnite to build up the Epic Games storefront?” I get that Fortnite is their cashcow right now and they need to keep it going in order to keep generating revenue, but it seems a little ridiculous that couldn’t implement something as basic as

I think that competition has different connotations depending on the perspective. From a business standpoint, yes, getting exclusive deals and offering better cuts to developers forces other businesses to step to your level. From a customer’s standpoint, a competition means that everyone is on the same playing field;

True, and that came off harsher than I meant. I should have phrased it as more along the lines that I followed Battleborn and read up on it frequently, but never got around to playing it just because it was never really my style of game. But you’re right in saying that it suffered from “Not Being Overwatch”; the

Man, I love me some Borderlands... I’ve bought multiple copies on multiple platforms, so it pains me to say that I’m a little hesitant to yell, “Shut up and take my money!” I didn’t play either Aliens: CM or Battleborn, but I’m well aware of their histories. That and I consider Pre-Sequel just merely okay (one could

Wow, that sounds painful for the DLC pack guys. And I agree about getting put on a game that really isn’t your style. I’ve tested games in exchange for keys and... yeah, some of those games I would never want to see the light of day...

Ah, gotcha. I could how it’d be difficult to play an ‘incomplete’ game without pointing out the flaws.

Off-topic: What’s being a QA tester like? Is it fun or is it“Keep trying to walk through this wall for your whole shift”?

I really enjoyed the Open Alpha and was definitely awe-stuck by the space elevator getting assembled, but I quickly hit the “Why am I do this? What’s the end goal?” questions. I get that optimizing and exploring are fun in their own rights, and while Satisfactory is gorgeous, I guess it’s just not for me; all my

Partially joking, partially serious: what game hurt you?

I’ve personally played some games that were decent EAs but then the devs appeared to run off with the money and never finish the GD game. However, every time I’ve bought in, I understood that risk and was satisfied with the game in it’s current state. I’m curious

This is the reason Fallout 3 is my favorite in that series: being able to experience iconic landmarks in a video game. I love seeing the Washington Monument out in the distance and saying, “Hell yeah! I’m going to go check that out and probably loot something cool!” or diving into the metro and fighting ghouls.


I’ve got some friends in DC that keep wanting me to come out there and work and I keep toying with the idea, especially since I’m a fan of the Smithsonian experience. But as you said, seeing the museums too many times will desensitize you the experience, and outside of my friends, that’s the only reason I would go