
*eye roll* Carlsen and associates either needs to put up or shut up. I honestly don’t care one way or another, but I hate the fact that this newsworthy.

*shrug* Not running D3 anymore, not even in Diablo at all ATM. Although, if I could exchange some of those Internet points for some MTX in Path of Exile, I’ll take; need to get a map stash tab.

Nope. Listen, I’ve loved Diablo from day 1, played Hellfire, used to wake up before school to grind for runes in D2, and enjoyed D3 post auction house, but there is no way in hell I’m downloading Immortal. Yeah, I could play for free, but number of downloads is still a metric Blizzard uses; number of “potential

TACOS for me. Uses the TS from RSTLNE and possibly kills two vowels.

TACOS for me. Uses the TS from RSTLNE and possibly kills two vowels.

Super weird plug of an obscure game, but have you ever played EV Nova? Granted, you don’t get to walk planet surfaces and all that, but it had branching story paths, different factions you could join, different class ships, running trade routes or becoming a pirate. It’s a bit outdated at this point TBH (overhead 2D

I’m definitely along the lines of explorer only gaming and I’m starting to worry that the scope of No Man’s Sky is going beyond what I personally want. If this is want most players want, that’s cool; it may just mean I’ll have to get my space fix somewhere else. Astorneer’s a nice alternative, but not quite the scale

Yeah, taken from Reddit (not the most reliable source, I know) he was arrested for a “civil assault case”. Taken from a linked, Google translated Vietnamese news site (, for

“Switch Tax” is a huge reason why I don’t own one yet...

Rather broad stroke there. While I agree that a ton of stuff is terrible, I think that Oxenfree, Night in the Woods, Tonight We Riot, A Short Hike, Overland, OneShot, SuperHexagon, Minit, Fortune 499, Catlateral Damage, Wheels of Aurelia, MidBoss, Loot Rascals, The Stillness of the Wind, Beacon, Bleed (1&2),

Wow. I’m of two minds on this. I mean, I love the Borderlands franchise (though I’ll freely admit I’m down on 3 more than the others), but I know how video game adapted movies go. I think there’s some really great characters in Borderlands and if they can make a story that’s around the quality of BL2/TPS/Tales/BL3's

Solo it? I’m currently running a solo campaign next to my work desk, for when I have downtime. It’s still a beast of a game, in terms of both size and duration, but it is rewarding.

Still a bit of a dumpster fire, IMO. I do want cloud gaming to work, but I also recognize the limitations, namely that good, high-speed Internet is not as widespread as it should be.

Still waiting on a Division 2 1.8-style patch before I buy in. It’s harder now too since my main coop partner stopped gaming all together.

Yeah, I might relaunch. I’m still mad that Forsaken wasn’t given to day 1 players; they already made $100 bucks off of us... *rant, ramble, rave* *shrug* It’s just a game really. Least next time I’ll remember not to pre-order.

I might boot up again. I got burnt out on Warmind and Curse and then when they went F2P it just felt like a big middle finger to all the day 1 players. Still, I can’t deny how good the movement and gunplay felt.

Are the Forsaken subclasses free too? Or just the locations?

Is Destiny 2 worth it without Forsaken? I do want to enjoy the game, but I’m holding a grudge about the extra money I’d have to dole out if Forsaken is a must.

I should’ve waited myself. I never played Destiny 1, but a buddy of mine ranted and raved about how good it was and convinced me preorder 2, all-in. So for roughly $100, I got base Destiny 2, Warmind, and Curse of Osiris, all of which of F2P now.

Well, apparently all I need now is a makeup palette and a Switch and I’ll be fully immersed in this cyberpunk dystopian present.

Well, apparently all I need now is a makeup palette and a Switch and I’ll be fully immersed in this cyberpunk dystopi

Not even worried about it, bro.” “That’s bro, bro.” “Bro, for bro.”