

As I was drifting off to sleep last night, I wondered why video games don’t release like movies. Like if there were Internet Cafe chains that would get week 1/week 2 access before full release, people would pay a small fee to come in and play for a bit. All their save data would sync to their profile like how

 So here’s the question (and I’m sorry if it’s been covered somewhere else): Will there be microtransactions?

I guess I really wasn’t expecting Destiny 2 to be an MMO in that sense; where every year requires a new DLC. On closer examination, I see that it’s my fault for not following the development cycle of Destiny 1, as the timeline of DLCs are similar, even down to the third DLC being the defining experience (Taken King vs

*shrug* Maybe you got $100 worth of enjoyment of out it; I didn’t. Different games for different folks I guess.

... welp, now I feel completely worked over. Learn from me, kids: Never preorder a game, especially a deluxe version. $100 later and I got the base game and some mediocre DLCs and now Bungie wants me to cough up another $40 to make it “better” with the Forsaken DLC.

Part of me sees this as an attempt to 1. Get more

As someone who has played both, definitely go with Warframe.

The Humble THQ Nordic bundle is under the wrong category; it belongs under PS4, not PC (though I wish I could get the deal on PC)

The Humble THQ Nordic bundle is under the wrong category; it belongs under PS4, not PC (though I wish I could get

Good point about SaaS. I thought about going with GaaS, but then my inner Grammarian couldn’t remember if articles are included in abbreviations or not, so I just split the difference. Didn’t realize it was already referred to as “Gaas”. Let the official snickering commence.

Welcome to where “Games as a service” means that publishers can be as non-committal as they want. It both a blessing and a curse in a certain sense; on one hand, if you like the game in its current state, buy in and hope for more improvements. On the other, if you’re a fan of certain publishers but are not too keen on

+1 star for referencing “WASTED”. I’ll admit that I’m not too keen on it’s cell-shaded cartoony art style, but the rest of it is pretty solid and I enjoyed it.

It’s been a while since I played vanilla Rust because of my experience with it, but watching the patch notes, there are prebuilt locations filled with junk; the other stuff, not so much.

Ew. As someone who runs a small modded PVE Rust server, vanilla Rust has always felt a PVP gankers club, where people are free to be assholes to each other. If that’s what Fallout 76 is, with the aforementioned sloppy branding, it’s a very hard pass for me.

So straight to the point: is it fun? Because that description makes it sound rather painful.

I think it’s because it’s really the first infraction for Rockstar. That and they’ve gathered so much goodwill over all the GTA series, most of the Max Paynes, Red Dead Redemption, and even the more niche LA Noire, Bully, and their Table Tennis game that the fanbase is willing to let it slide. I worry that with “games

That’s depressing. I mean I got a RL job and all, but I use that for, you know, actually living; I’m not willing to budget any of that for shark cards. Seems like the math is saying, “Rockstar doesn’t care if you actually play the game. They just want more of your money.”

+1 to Authy. I was going Google’s Authenticator, but after having to do a factory reset and finding out that Google doesn’t do back ups, I switched over. Lesson learned.

Hm... I don’t think there’s a way to pm. Could hit me open either on Twitter (it’s just @ in front my username here) or gmail (same deal). I’ll get her handle.

Definitely. I got a friend of mine who’s on PS4 and just starting out. She wanted me to help sherpa her, but since I’m on PC it’s a no go.

True, but since there’s no weapon trading, I don’t see a huge issue with it. if playerDevice == ps4, drop = random.choice(ps4LootPool), else drop = random.choice(lootPool). Same concept with strikes. I think it’s doable.

+1 to play against other Rocket Leaguers.

I’d also love it if Destiny 2 could play with others, but that might be wishing too much. I’ll just be happy with this news for the moment.