
I have a running joke that, when I retire, I’ll finally have enough time to play all the video games I’ve stacked up over time. Hell, between the Humble bundles (weekly/monthly), my Steam wishlist, IsThereAnyDeal, and all these indie studios, I may not own a Ferrari when I die, but at least I’ll have a smile on my

Ha! Nope, I haven’t bought it that many times. I guess the point I was making is that it’s weird to have the whole series or, in your case, multiple copies of the same game from later in the series, and not make much progress on it.

Got you beat. Own all three DS + DLC, only completed the first boss in DS1. I keep hearing everyone say that it’s a good series, but I just got other things I want to play more.

The whole “What is a catch?” is making the football unwatchable. Every tiny thing is getting overly scrutinized. 

Ghosttown modes are a very strong reason I have a hard time getting into GTA:O. I started late to the online portion of the game and everybody’s already jetsetting about in their multimillion dollar vehicles; nobody wants to the play the newbie/old stuff.

If you’re making the judgement off of the NPCs (Benitez, Lau, Rhodes, and Kandle) then, yeah, they’re a bit flat. But most of the story is told in the echos, cell phone recordings, and files. It’s annoying to gather them but they really tell a deeper story.

I’ve seen the season pass run about $20. Also, recently, Division gold (base game + DLC) was running about $35 on Humble. Price points aside, it’s not even the DLC that makes the game good. They’ve actually done quite a bit of work on vanilla. I played 1.0-1.3 and it was definitely lacking. Came back and 1.8 is an

I do. But I’ll admit that there are tons of excellent games out there, all vying for attention.

I don’t know what you qualify as military fps, but I don’t see The Division falling in there; ARMA or Squad would be more apt IMO. The Division is more like third person loot shooter. Also, the game has evolved quite a bit from day 1. Next free weekend, I’d recommend giving it another shot.

All the chopped onions, in a good way.

And this is obviously ignoring the fact that some Democrats voted for it and some Republicans voted against. Pinning it squarely on Democrats is oversimplified partisanship.

I started singing along.

Destiny: The game that was. Until it wasn’t. Util it was. Until it wasn’t.

Going to run some Division and try to gear up with some classified sets. Been playing a bunch of Tallowmere recent, so I might solo through some of that. Also, a friend wants to run some Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime; never played it before, so we’ll see how that goes.

Boy, talk about dragging their heels.

Please remove this, as it’s no longer correct. It was also incorrect when posted yesterday.

Please remove this, as it’s no longer correct. It was also incorrect when posted yesterday.

It should be noted that the Humble Monthly bonus for the annual plan signup is only good till 9:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 5 (today).

It should be noted that the Humble Monthly bonus for the annual plan signup is only good till 9:59 a.m. PT on Jan. 5

Based off of what you’ve got there, this build should be rather simple. Old head talking here: having to fiddle with jumpers back in the day was a pain in the ass; we don’t really have that any more on the boards.

From right across the border in Chattanooga, thank you.

I’d like to add that Grim Fandango: Remastered is free on

I’d like to add that Grim Fandango: Remastered is free on