Negative, although admittedly I’m a transplant Yankee. However, anecdotally, while I rarely see the Confederate flag here in my part of TN/GA, it’s normally being wielded by the personified stereotype, which is few and far between.
Negative, although admittedly I’m a transplant Yankee. However, anecdotally, while I rarely see the Confederate flag here in my part of TN/GA, it’s normally being wielded by the personified stereotype, which is few and far between.
Point by point:
I’ll do the obvious and ask: is it in a better place than Destiny 2 is right now? I’m not trying to shitpost or anything; I have both games, with passes, and trying to figure out which one I should play for a good bit. I haven’t played The Division since launch and I’m moderately enjoying Destiny 2 as a player who’s…
I was actually quite fortunate to get one off the first exotic drop, post DLC.
And gave me a very good reason to keep hating PVP.
For me, this was MapleStory.
I’m not quite at the level of hate you are, but I can sympathize. I bought the full thing as well and it’s lackluster at best. Toying with going back to The Division as well.
I’m not quite at the level of hate you are, but I can sympathize. I bought the full thing as well and it’s…
It’s not rubbish per se; taken at surface value, if you like shooting aliens in the face and decent gunplay vs AI, it’s fine. Where it starts falling apart is lack of good story and PVP, poor loot mechanics, odd design choices (like why can your ghost revive you in some places, but not others without explanation),…
It’s not rubbish per se; taken at surface value, if you like shooting aliens in the face and decent gunplay vs AI,…
*sniff* What’s that smell? Is it... desperation?
*sniff* What’s that smell? Is it... desperation?
Anyone want to share their ATM source code with me? I need it for... stuff. Maybe Skyrim related?
Wow... I have still yet to play this game. I want to... but I don’t want to get depressed.
I’m lucky if I can even get an ariel at all. All those years of playing racing games where you sit on the nitro have destroyed my sense of finesse. Props to these guys.
I won’t rehash some of the points that other comments covered better than I can articulate, but why can’t we just enjoy it for what it is? Why does there have to be a search for hidden meaning or lack of meaning? To draw a parallel, it feels like this article is saying that when you go to a museum and look at a Damien…
I’ve played the Alpha and I’m personally not too keen on it. I consider myself rather patient, but the skill curve was a bit too steep when I tried it; had difficulties getting past one of the last tutorial levels. The game feels more like the mechanics of Skate mixed with gameplay concept of Splatoon. If handled more…
Yep, you’re right. I wrote it rather late, so the stupefaction factor was high with this one.
This is what I am worried about when it comes to online only or mostly-online only games; Games that we may fall in love with may never have the opportunity to be resurrected in the future. Or if they are resurrected by fans, they’ll get a Cease and Desist. I understand trying to protect an IP, but I’m not happy about…
I’ll freely admit that I’m a neophyte when it comes to motorcycles. I’ve always wanted to get one but never a Harley. Why? I guess it the association. It’s always some idiot on a Harley revving their engine at three in the morning downtown, trying to act like they’re cool when in reality they’re just pissing people…
My gacha addiction was MapleStory. Man, I still love that game, but it eventually became an obvious (well, to me at least) cash grab. But with Maple, I justified it as helping the devs; it was a f2p game that I was enjoying, so it seemed only fair. I’m sure I spent more than $500 on that game, much more than I were to…