I think this is why my reaction to the woman who said this was nothing short of "agog"! How do you even start to respond to such a fucking asinine statement?!
I think this is why my reaction to the woman who said this was nothing short of "agog"! How do you even start to respond to such a fucking asinine statement?!
The "brother" fraternity to my sorority in college (don't judge me, I was in one of the loser ones) would kick ladies out if they were too drunk. Actually, I was banished once because I had a few too many gin and tonics and fell asleep on a couch. I'm not a very exciting drunk.
Redacted because I didn't have a point. Carry on.
YES. I've been saying this to everyone I know each time the NFL's fuckery comes up. I'm much more of a soccer fan though, and Hope Solo is an abusive menace.
Oh cool, yet again 21st century minstrel show Iggy Azalea shows up on a pop song to half-heartedly lip sync a lame, shitty verse that she probably couldn't even be fucked to write herself.
If Shepherd paid this surrogate to conceive and made promises to her ex partner that they would raise the child together, then she is responsible for the child legally as a parent.
Honestly, if you put a bun in the oven, you are responsible for child support. If it can be proven that Shepherd gave her informed consent and initiated the pregnancy process as a full partner in the endeavor, then she should accept her legal responsibility as the child's guardian and the associated financial…
Eesh, I'm not sure I could take the inevitable criticism, but thanks. Also sorry for my completely self absorbed response to you before. I'm so sorry about your family members. It must be hard to hear all the sex positive right-on empowering chat about sex work when you have seen people you love endure the other (and…
People throw the term "cognitive dissonance" around like it's a particular disease, like it's something to avoid, like it's something that CAN be avoided— but it's part of the human brain. It's incurable. We're all capable of believing things that don't 100% jive with each other, and I'd venture the assumption that we…
Catherine MacKinnon.
Again, I am aware of what slut-shaming is and how it works. You are not telling me anything new. What I am trying to make clear to you is that the sexual dynamics that exists in strip clubs, in porn, don't exist in a vacuum. Those sexual dynamics bleed into life outside of the strip club or the porn movie; they are,…
I'm aware of what slut-shaming is. Slut-shaming is not the issue that makes stripping problematic from a feminist standpoint. Of course strippers are people. But an industry being comprised of actual human employees does not mean that the industry is beyond reproach and might be detrimental to a particular demographic…
Well thank you for the question. Not to split hairs beyond what you've asked, but first there is a distinction for me between disapproving and condescending... as you might deduce I am very invested in animal issues, and bitterly opposed to hunting. So I disapprove – quite extremely – of hunting, but I don't feel…
I have a confession: I think Miss Ohio's talent was aDORable
Allow me to clarify, Julie Chen has "The Talk". Julie Chen is married to Les Moonves, President and CEO of CBS. As far as I can see, that's the only reason the show exists.
Last month, a 9-year-old girl fatally shot her shooting instructor with a fucking Uzi because apparently the…
Totally agree. I personally find her really funny, but I can understand why she's not to everyone's taste. But her advocacy for women (and the LGBT community, for that matter) and refusal to put up with stupid bullshit is desperately needed.
People don't like Griffin for various reasons, but she is a hardass when it comes to advocating for women in her line of work. I'm glad she's a righteous loudmouth bc I have no doubts for even a second that these nameless faceless execs truly believe people won't watch a late night show not hosted by a white dude with…
I always thought Amy Poehler would be great on late night. She's totally likeable, would make guests comfortable, but is quick enough and just a little 'dark'.