
Not letting the school off the hook, but I wonder what other educational options the family had for their child? Is a conservative private Christian school ever a safe place for a child with gender identity issues? My 4th grade daughter has a female friend and classmate who dresses like a boy, and is mistaken for a

Damn right you have a reputational problem, Occidental. Your faculty members feel the need to use BURNER PHONES. This is insane.

The most valuable cat care advice comes from ladies who zip cats into bags and leave them there for awhile, obviously.

Cool, but I had a boyfriend in the 90s who sent off an ad internship application with the package rigged so that when they opened it, dozens of little line-drawn portraits of him on tiny squares of paper shot out like confetti. He got the internship

This makes me unhappy.

Because if you don't live tweet it, it didn't happen. And you want all the people you didn't want to invite to be able to follow along, right?

This is so sad. I waited a 20 yrs to have mine out because they were fully erupted and not causing any issues, and I was able to do it without being put under. Avoiding anesthesia can be an option in many cases.

Is that a typo in the headline? Or do you truly mean "Footlose?" Don't be calling my Kevin a loser...

I know there are subtitles, but I took this as an opportunity to practice my Italian and didn't use them!

I speak Italian and watched this at HuffPost last night. At one point, they ask her if the Pope knows about her singing, and she says, "I'm waiting for him to call me."

Professor Hill, I just want to share with you that my white grandmother, born in 1908 Arkansas, so identified with your struggle as a woman that it helped her shake some of the prejudice she'd been raised with, even though she was quite elderly at the time of the Thomas hearings. Her words at the time: "Black people

Oh, Billy Dee was SO HANDSOME back in the day. He looks like a sweet grandpa now.

Is this supposed to sound like Nicki Minaj or Rianna or the latest Beyonce? Like everything already on the radio?

Are they all wearing jeans to be more "real" and "relatable?"

Thanks for clarifying. But being an adoptive parent means supporting your kid's relationship with bio family when possible. "Whole" is such an odd term. She's a sad woman in a bad spot.

Oh lord. I am a mom by adoption. The fact that she distinguishes among her kids as "whole" and not speaks volumes. Very sad woman.

They are both awful. But Chelsea wins this round.

This post about dicks

Shakira is an incredibly powerful and accomplished woman. It can be hard to find a man (or woman) who is not intimidated by that kind of success. I personally wouldn't want a man telling me what to do about anything, but she may like having somebody in her life who stands up to her a little bit. As long as he is not

This is just incredibly sad all around. We don't know what led up to the incident. The mother was wrong, but when someone is hurting your child, it's easy to freak out. If this was a culmination of a pattern between the kids, that probably made it worse. I've told off a few kids who were hassling my kid, and shocked