
I’d like to know how many white, eighteen to twenty-five-year-old men are regular watchers of The View. I’m going to go out on a limb with no evidence whatsoever, but I’ll bet Tucker has a larger share of that audience. And that would mean if that demographic is angry with the shallow discussions on The View, it would

The implicit argument Carlson is making is that criticism of the actions of certain groups of white people by the panel on The View is responsible for an uptick in white nationalism and violence perpetrated by white nationalists.

Essentially, it boils down to, “Stop saying mean (true) things about them, and they’ll

They’s have called in the Air National Guard and bombed the entire place flat.

Can you imagine if a group of Muslims had taken over the National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon like the Bundy fam and their armed militants?

This is the attitude that I try to explain in a different article. Muslims are automatically othered if they show it in public. If there isnt an immediate outcry or apology from the community for a terrorist attack, then its somehow the whole community’s fault.

Being a racist dumbass is not a mental illness.

It’s not clear why the FBI agents didn’t arrest Hopkins at the time”

Yeah but Sarah Huckabee Sanders had to find another place to stuff her fat face at when that one restaurant refused to serve her.

I think it’s worth pointing out that, even if there was no direct collusion or coordination with Russia, an apology for a totally justified investigation is not necessary.

And let’s not forget the evidence of actions taken by the president which were similar to the actions which formed the basis of Nixon’s imminent impeachment.

Man, holy shit are the trolls out in force today.

Bitch, one of your own investigated your rotting pumpkin. And along the way, he indicted three dozen people, including the President’s campaign manager, personal lawyer, national security adviser, several other close aides and advisers, and a whole bunch of other people.

The absolute best-case possibility out of this is that Trump is merely a Russian asset.

I mean. You saw these fucks are white, yes?

Yup; Kidnapping and Impersonating a Law Enforcement Officer are two that come to mind.  Why aren’t these fucks in jail?

The assault on Lois Rinna happened in 1960. He was later convicted in 1970 and sent away for 7 years. They let him out again and from 1979–1981 he raped and murdered 5 more women. In 1988 he was sentenced to death and he’s been on deathrow ever since. He was then convicted of 2 more murders and there is evidence that

So, I assume you’re also indignant that Trump described Netanyahu to an audience of American Jewish Republicans as “your President?”

Yep.  This isn’t about Ilhan Omar saying the wrong thing.   This is about Ilhan Omar saying anything and a bunch of racist conservative assholes like Donald Trump and Chuck Schumer trying to silence her.