
WTF? The real dad is as nasty as the rest of them - he tried to make his daughter have sex with her step-dad.

But very sexy.

Forget about it, Emily is a notorious idiot.

Don't bother. This place is festooned with cretins.


I thought it was ghastly. Self-regarding and lachrymose.

Because they stopped for blueberries on the way there eight times.

How can Burt and Ernie have a son? They're both men.

Lassiter was on fire tonight:

Oh for god's sake, Psych is proud to be the cheapest, most casual show on TV from the moment it started. How can it have gone more downhill than the bottom of the Grand Canyon?

But it isn't on! This review is the description of an imaginary episode. It's a fanfic review of fanfic episodes we write ourselves. You've solved the case again, Shylock!

A B-? Oh Kev, you're just not bright enough to review this show.

He did with Day of the Jackal but nothing else. But then nothing Le Carre has written since Tinker Tailor has been as good either.

Oldman is a good actor but his talk about preparation for this character is bullshit because not only DOES Smiley wear cufflinks but there's a whole goddamned short story about this in 'The Secret Pilgrim'.

I liked the 'That was you?' to Henry when Shawn was remembering his dislikeable Little League coach.

I'm not so sure - I'd like to see more of Shawn/Juliet, if only because Juliet is the sexiest non-sexy woman on TV, and certainly I want more of the old Shawn/Henry duels. Right now, Corbin Bernseon is being wasted, They need to fire the current chief - who has nothing to do - and make Henry the chief. Then we'd be

What was that comment that Shawn made about Gus being black? It was outrageous and very funny and almost but not quite offensive?

Or Ender's Game from the horrible 'Enders Game'.

I agree. I thought he was going to have a stroke trying to stop himself from blurting it out.

You missed the greatest of them all: