
Brilliant and terrifying.

Dennis was terrifying in this episode. "I'm not taking questions, The golden king is not taking questions".

'Low Hanging Fruit'? Keep your gay bashing out of here, queer-hater!

Was it as bad and dishonest as An Inconvenient Truth?

Never mind the milky tea review of Jack and Jill here - go to red letter media and see Plinkett's review of the film. It's an amazing demolition.

Oh god, will this fucker's bubble never burst?

They're not beautiful people by any means.

You should have seen the BBC2 series on which it was based. 'Glacial' describes the pace - but it was still brilliant.

How could this show have got so bad? It started off well - the pilot was brilliant, clever and relevant. Now it's thrown away all its qualities. How did that happen? Who's to blame?

I can't decide whether to watch this show or not. I don't mean to be reductive but is this show like any other show, past or present? What can it be compared to?

That show was a masterpiece. They didn't need to make this film.

Well, why isn't it both late and short? What are you? Gay?

I don't think you have read her other reviews of this show. They are, in the keenest forensic definition of the word, idiotic.

What I both loved and thought was very sad was how each member of the gang would instantly turn on the others when he or she met someone outside the group who took the faintest interest in them.


He's like a funny Ted Bundy.

What a pity he can't get her out into the middle of the ocean.

Does Dennis really need a reason to bang someone else's wife than spite?

I am convinced that Danny DeVito doesn't even know he's on a TV show. He thinks it's just some dumb kinds following him around with a video recorder while he goes around taking care of business and shit.

Isn't Charlie's mom a whore?