
Tina Turner's turn as 'The Acide Queen' in that film is genius.

The Boyfriend is actually a great little film and I really think Russell's idea to 'open it out' actually works.

The Boyfriend is an unjustly neglected gem - not even mentioned here.

Patricia O'Neal? Dead? My god, she'd let herself go by the end.

Yes, be satisfied with the mediocre.

It wasn't enough to bother posting.

Just what the series needed. A long, drawn-out skit on a series that was in vogue two years ago and which The Simpsons already parodied poorly.

You're kidding, right?

Your anecdote would land with more force if you had not assumed everyone knew what 'TA' was.

And secondly, what Charlie Sheen was paid to do Charlie Sheen actuallydid quite well - not that that it was 'good' just that he did it 'well'.

I thought it was just Nathan trying to spice up 'mull' while fuliminating on why NR hadn't offered him a plum senior writing position, why George and GQ weren't giving him top freelance assignments, why he didn't have story arc that would eventually be played by Haydon Christianson (sp?).

No-one should look too hard at Mifchael Lewis either.

"Glass gets a lap dance from a stripper confused and annoyed that Glass
just wants to talk rather than get his rocks off. Our blameless hero is
seduced and later humiliated by a foxy co-ed who rocked his world under
false pretenses, then wrote a scathing piece attacking him. Glass does
much better with a mysterious

The 'extreme' cliff climbing sequence at the beginning of Mission Impossible II. Ridiculous but brilliant.

That's a great picture of Lucy and Desi but isn't that Colonel John T. 'Melonhead' Hall between them?

I also admire how the gang gets high in the cheapest, nastiest and most dangerous way. Christ knows how they've managed to hang on to the bar.

Dennis and Charlie in the back office, getting high. That will soon be recognised as legendary.

Awful, just awful. The last scenes were so vomituously sentimental, I nearly choked up my own skull.

Roday always puts in a blazing performance but Dule Hill is his absolute equal. I love them both.

I like the Shawn-Juliet relationship though i agree it's a little parochial. She's either playing his winsomely romantic girl-child best friend or his strict mother. The one aspct i'd like to see - and the one they never show - is any sexual tension between Sean or Juliet which is ridiculous especially since Roday and