
Does anyone realize that most of Tucker Max’s stories weren’t actually his? He would take stories from his friends and ones he heard and just set them up as his own. A buddy of mine ran in the same circles as Max through a mutual friend. Always said he was a complete butt plug of a person but not nearly as outlandish

Let me guess: they both had daughters and suddenly realized women are people.

They aren’t apologizing. They’re just making another cash grab.

Everything comes with risk. This sounds terrible but 10 kids really isn’t much when you think of the thousands who play the sport. Most of these parents who won’t let their kids play football probably have no problem buying them cars the day they get a drivers license.

Gawker Media’s game is picking one or two things (HS football deaths, gun violence, and college sexual assault to name a few) and then just report on every single one as if it’s the first time it’s ever happened to try and convince you that it’s happening at a much higher rate than it ever has (regardless of whether