
Fuck off, William. The man likes porn. Good work, Nancy Drew.

End women’s sufferage!

She has excellent plot on Homeland. FYI. Because boobs.

One day, I’m gonna go full meta and post one of your “articles” on reddit. Gotta get me some of that sweet sweet karma.

“Can you cross the dividing line between journalist and blogger?”

You can trust me though.

Raised the minor...

Except with this one you can throw the whole thing into your washing machine to get your cum stains out.

Great. Another item we’ll have to wash the cum stains out of.

It’s been happening a lot more lately. I often have to skip around Hulu, Amazon Prime and Netflix for a good 30 mins before I commit to a show. #FirstWorldProblems

Username checks out.

Try Reddit. I’m very satisfied. You can scale the amount of snarkasm by sorting the comments by karma.

Umm...hate to burst your PC safe-space bubble, but the events that occurred in Charlotte was a riot. Black hoodlums looted restaurants and liquor stores, smashed windows and cars, and even tried to push a photographer into a bonfire.

TIL that old fuck is still alive.

Bitch, this is Eve. Lower your standards of you plan on staying here.

Congratufuckinglations! Want a cookie?

Thanks, Captain Fucking Obvious.

Damn Bryan, I...I sometimes wonder if it would be better if you and your colleagues would die in a horrible fiery death. It's like, almost satisfying to picture your flesh being burnt to a crisp. I just want you to know that I want to outlive you. That's all.

I wish you harm.

Hey Casey, what's your username on Reddit?