
Nice try Chinese big wine opener industry PR shill.

Nice try Samsung PR shill.

That's what you get Ellie. Maybe next time you'll get an iphone instead :P

Hey Ashley, did you take a pay cut for joining Deadspin?

Are you Wesley Hutchins?


So what you’re saying is she can’t say no because of the “implication”?

I straight up jacked that from reddit photoshop battles.

“continues to making news...”

You need attention because your parents neglected you as a child and your off putting personality alienated you from most of your peers so now you seek approval from online strangers to make your worthless life worth living.

Sophie Kleeman, admit you are a septuagenarian wearing a millennial’s skin and have no idea what Photoshop is.

Low hanging fruit man. Pun so intended.

What ever happened to Jesus Diaz?

White knight alert.

Lots of dash cam videos there too.

Then I suggest you visit /r/watchpeopledie.

Why would you ever feel the need to make your car go as fast as it can?

Why make this comment? It adds nothing to the conversation and is both a waste of your time and ours. You are literally second worst only to people who say “This.” Please do yourself and us a favor and just stop.

Stop defending kiddie porn, you sicko.

It was me.