
Maybe you'll get lucky and the wife will go first! ;)

My SUPER Italian grandfather used to always yell at me for not calling sauce “gravy.” I got the last laugh, though—he had a heart attack and died in his sleep.

You know what the worst thing is? while everyone complains about a fake bunch of pixels wearing a bikini, REAL teen girls are sexualized in American media every day.

The wife in the story about the guy doing beer pong does not exist. He conjured her as a fantasy angel while his stomach was being pumped.

you’re pretty far off base. you’ll get tagged out if you don’t watch out

“Why isn’t the writer smart enough to avoid the link between this subject and a recent horrible event?!”

I feel like nobody involved in making this film has any clue whatsoever about the Jem’Hadar or the Dominion.

Only science can tell.

One of the best classes I took in college was an English class simply called “Faulkner, Hemingway, and Fitzgerald.” We just read one of their books each week and talked about it, and had to write a couple of five page essays or something. Getting through a Faulkner book in just a week is pretty tough, but reading

“Humans have been crouching since they figured out that going to the bathroom standing up only worked half of the time...”

Hilarious, I’m sure, but this is extremely historically inaccurate. Through large amounts of research, crouching has been traced back to ancient civilizations where one male would position himself

We crouch to sneak into a bathroom through a vent. Then they crouch to shoot at us from a toilet.

Worst. Extras. Ever.

Oh, I think they know they’re blue...

That's ridiculous, and unless you do a lot of digging it's a self fulfilling point of view. CGI is used everywhere today, often in some extraordinarily mundane ways. I can guarantee that you've seen CGI dozens of times without realizing it was CGI, but since you don't even know it was CGI it doesn't stick with you.

In that case, I wonder if there will be more genetic variability between individuals compared to other species.

Wait... what’s the “something sweet” for in this scenario? That’s not how mosquitos work...

In a competent organization, there’s room for a moron to hang around and hide among his more-skilled colleagues. This is how I approach every job I’ve ever had: I simply sit there and hope that everyone else does a really good job so that I don’t have to.

You smell like ass. Your friends are too polite to say anything. Sorry, man.

Get your fucking act together MLS, only a bush league organization has a team in green playing a red one.

B-Wings are awesome but you’re right, they don’t make sense because they are not shaped like the letter B.