
I was playing Battlefront with a friend on mumble the other day, and he noted that I must be using push to talk as my guy was repeatedly crouching as he moved across the battlefield, even when there wasn’t anyone shooting at us.

level 50 unlockable skin in battlefront!

Not only that, which I think is a great observation, but I would assume you’d see variation within the genomes of specific cells of a given tardigrade since each one is possible different external DNA sources, and certainly the integration of foreign DNA will be random (even if each cell gets the exact exposures).

and by first image i mean the second image. sorry :P

Electron microscopy from the first image is false colored. That’s not a negative critique, any time you see EMs that are anything besides grayscale they’ve been colored for dramatic effect.

Not sure if hot take or serious.

Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation, which incorporates more of the book but tells a much smaller-scale story. Also recycles 1 actor but 0 characters. This is not a very good movie. Or good. Or barely good.

I work with a bunch of degenerate sociopaths who think that that junk is the highest form of comedy. It’s painful, but at least none of them have kids.

More than a template that the Nazis copied, the US scientists who developed the practice here exported it to the Nazis. (War Against The Weak, Edwin Black)

Airstrikes? :p

Oh this movie is a documentary? I didn’t realize the flying transformer gods were historically accurate.

I don’t mean to be Mr. grumpy microbiologist but I will be with a few comments here: