Out of curiosity, did you feel the same about the Kavanaugh accuser? If yes, props for being consistent. If not, fuck off.
Out of curiosity, did you feel the same about the Kavanaugh accuser? If yes, props for being consistent. If not, fuck off.
Please refrain from posting corny ass memes. “I can’t” or “I can’t even” is the lamest fucking thing people say in comments sections. Lol grow up.
Any response to the data i provided which showed that black men are twice as likely (24% of black men) to marry outside of their race as black women (12% of black women)? Like I said, black women have been holding it down for black men for a long time, and black men havnt been returning the favor. Maybe it is time for…
Why is dating outside their race not an option for many women? We live in a free society. The only thing stopping women from dating outside of their race are racists like yourself who create this demand, this expectation, that women have to date only people within their race. Now lets look at some facts.
Sure. I understand that, But at the same time, you black women are their mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers. But where is the loyalty in turn? Do all black men go for white women? No. But a lot more black men date white women then black women who date white men.
Well to be fair, he did get a ride home. The cops drove him straight to jail, which will be his home for the next year or so until he is convicted of murder with a hate crime tacked on. Then the cops will give him another ride to his new home for the rest of his life. Federal prison.
I should also add really quick that I used to catch so much shit from other white people for dating black women. The dirty looks I got from white women were frequent. And I had a now former-friend who is now alt-right tell me that I was a race traitor contributing to white genocide, which was about the dumbest shit I…
I think black women white men pairings will become more common place as well, as more people wake up to this information. Media representation of such couples is still far too low, but I have noticed representation is slightly on the rise, which is cool to see
This is a very common occurrence, based on the data. Im glad your parents are happily married! Divorce is unfortunately all too common in our society. Both of my parents are white, but they are happily still married as well! But as I’ve grown as a man, I’ve come to appreciate black women a lot more. My shittiest…
I am going off of what I have been told by black gfs in the past. Sure it isnt true for every white guy. There are assholes in every group. But there seems to be this “thing” (for lack of a better word) in the black community that denigrates black women for dating outside of their race (especially with white men).…
Here is what I don’t get. Why do black women go out of their way to look after and remain loyal to black men, when far too many black men show time and again they could care less. Black women are expected to always remain loyal to black men. If a black woman dares to date outside of her race, she is ostracized, and…
They are trying. But racists assholes like Justin Trudeau won’t take them because he claims they are not facing hardships to justify asylum. He essentially claimed racism against whites is a myth, despite the fact that whites are a minority in SA with no political power. Now they are having their land STOLEN from them…
This is not enforcing the law. Expropriation without compensation is theft, plain and simple. And one of the final steps before a genocide occurs, full stop. Once the whites are kicked off the land, South Africa will go the way of Zimbabwe. And when they do, I will advocate and vote for candidates who refuse to…
It makes sense that Jews are training white south africans, but not for the reasons you stated. Jews have been through a genocide of their own, and so they well know the early stages. If you pay any attention, you can see striking similarities between nazi Germany’s treatment of the jews, and South Africa’s treatment…
So now the land seizures have begun. The South African government is violating the constitution, seizing land without compensating the farmers. The constitution has not yet been amended to allow expropriation without compensation. The corrupt South African government has begun the prcoess of stealing land from white…
Hes actually correct:
100% this. In the United States of America, the 2nd amendment guarantees you a right to bear arms which shall not be infringed. I think Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws btw, which seems a bit racist to me, seeing how much of the city is black, but what do I know. This is what oppressive governments do. …
To be honest the democratic party doesn’t deserve the support of WOC anymore. They pay lip service to progressive ideals. Every election cycle they show up to black churches making all kinds of promises that are swiftly forgotten as soon as the election is won. Obviously the republican party is not an option. Only…
It is funny, because I truly believe that interracial dating is the future. We are on the brink as a society of it becoming common. And I believe that only then will we FINALLY make inroads into getting truly rid of racism. But there are still too many ppl who want to fight it. Now to be fair, there are far more white…
You are not a misogynist, btw. You were just sharing your experience with the world. Nobody can dictate to you what your personal experiences were.