
Seriously, that is all that matters. And congrats on your success! I am only now starting to experience success myself, and it is an awesome feeling. The corporate world is way different than high school or college. And as I have grown older, I have found women don’t look down on a guy for being a hard worker, they

I know this is going to sound crazy, but there is a sizable group of good guys out there who re more than willing to date black women. These guys are just as loyal as black men, they can be just as handsome. I’m talking about white men. Now, some are really shitheads, it is true. But the racist white men are not out

I can personally say white women are not magically better than black women. In some ways, they are worse. They seem, on the whole (#notallwhitewomen) to feel more entitled, be more spoiled then black women. Trust me, I used to date white women my whole life, and its nothing special. And in a lot of ways, it sucks

I can’t speak on what your experiences were growing up. But I know I agree with what your talking about today. I’ll preface this by saying I am white. I too work in a huge office complex. There are a ton of gorgeous, smart, ambitious black women where I work. A lot of this women are into nerdy stuff like me. More so

Oh lol I must have missed the paarts of Polish myths that talk about Zerrikanian dragons, and I guess the Aen Sidhe aren’t based on Irish myth, but now Poland. How silly of me! And I also must have missed the myths that talked about withcers or Hexers too! And Djinns? Those totally arent based on middle eastern myths,

I think you make an excellent point. The main novels are a bit slow at times, which is not as much of an issue with the short stories too. And I love sword of destiny too! I honestly can’t choose between it and The Last Wish. SOD is so awesome because you get a lot more characterization of some of the series main

Which was your fav? I liked the short story collections better than the series proper, but they are all amazing. The last wish had just the right amount of action and humor. And Sword of Destiny the perfect amount of sentimentality and humor. I actually teared up twice reading SOD. ***********SPOILERS*****************

You seem to think this takes place in our world. Last I checked, Zerrikania, Offier, Velen, (Temeria itself, really), Cintra, Nilfgaard, none of these places exist in our world. Have you even played the witcher games or read the books? It doesnt take place in Poland. It is inspired by Polish myths.

Ive noticed an interesting trend lately, where all of a sudden black men have this problem with interracial dating. It was never an issue when black men were getting white women, and black women still for some reason waited around and rarely dated outside of their race. But lately I have noticed ALOT more black women

I understand that. But if you read the article, he gave them his blessing to do with the series as they will, and encouraged the diversity. What harm would it do to have some black Zerrikanians be prominent characters in the show? Or Indian Offieri? Or to have some black dwarves, or even, gasp, a couple black, asian,

Not sure what communities you are going to... Like, are you LOOKING for communities filled with white nationalists? Because I have gone to several witcher communities, and not seen the problems you are talking about, other than people saying SJWs are a pain in the ass. And really, the people they call SJWs are

If you are a books guy, I highly recommend reading the Witcher series. The books are definitely different from the games. But they are absolutely amazing in their own way.

Its not their place. When black characters are white washed, the black community rightfully complains about how stupid and to a degree, unfair that is. When asian characters are white washed, asians can express their anger if they so choose, and I won’t disagree with them. When characters who are established as white

Getting mad about this is so stupid. If they bring some diverse characters to the world of the witcher, who cares? Its great that people of color who watch the show can feel represented. That said, if they deviate from how some of the main characters are described solely for the sake of diversity, I will refuse to

Oh one example! Awesome! There was a kid shot in the parking lot of a store near where I lived last year in front of his wife and kids. Nobody gave a fuck. Nobody protested. He was white. Does that cancel out your single example?

Does it have a lot of variety tho? It’s either: “Here’s this video game review with a hefty injection of far left politics.” Or “Here is this sports article with a hefty injection of far left politics.” Or “Here is this article about comic book movies with a hefty injection of far left politics.” I think you get my

You have it backwards. These guys published this piece BECAUSE they are about to get fired. They are operating (I would assume) at either loss or near loss. The performance just is not there. That would be just cause I’d imagine. Univision could decide to shutter the entire org if they so chose, if it is operating

Or, and this is just a thought... Millenial hard leftists don’t spend money as much as other groups. They may read the articles, but are they clicking on ads? Do they even bother to turn off ad block? Meanwhile GMG has decided to always take a hard left stance, which alienates half of the country. Those who are

Let me ask you a genuine question. Lets say you are not very good at your job, and you either cost your employer money, or at best, add no real value. Then, you constantly talk shit about your employer. Would you expect to keep your job? Should you? Why should it be any different for the staff at GMG? I guess at the

The entitlement expressed by OP is absolutely astounding. And a bit embarrassing too.