Forest Trump

Yes, this!

I get the general icks from anything to do with reporting on this issue. This is a private medical situation for Ms. Spears, and it is none of our business, ESPECIALLY since she has not complained or tried to change the situation.

My ovaries shrivel up every time I visit my friends with kids. I don’t understand how having a messy house, no personal time, and someone screaming at any point in the day is “joy”.

I’m also very likely to remain childless because I simply CANNOT afford it. Daycare in my area is the equivalent cost of rent on a 1-bedroom apartment. Not to mention everything else. I make decent pay, but I’ve done the math on it and I would be back to living hand-to-mouth. And as much as living in poverty for the


Stuff like this happens everywhere. Be ashamed to be human!

Every paper mache shithole apartment in LA is 20% fancier when plastered with Sears-style engagement photos of yourself

New Brett Easton Ellis novel out next year.

Why did that read like an intro to a John Waters screenplay or a Philip K. Dick novel?