Forest Trump

Paid Meternity Leave, Miss Jackson.

I often think about how many people have been brought into the world solely as a consequence of familial or societal guilt trips. That is some backwards nonsense that is very worthy of reconsideration. Like not eating white flour or douching with Lysol.

There are a myriad of underlying, PRIVATE issues that would justify a conservatorship. Really nobody else's business, especially since the parties to whom it actually concerns aren't complaining. Fuck these weasel lawyers and their speculative expose. BTW, why would anyone be "afraid" of Britney? She stopped

Paid maternity leave seems like a stretch when you consider that most employers refuse to offer health care benefits to all of their employees. People don’t choose to get sick. People choose to procreate. If we’re going to compare ourselves to other more civilized countries, maybe we should consider how we are going

Rumer wouldn't last 3 minutes in a NY subway car.

Where will the fashion show attendees and the entire Kardashian army of humanitarians be staying? There aren't that many hotel rooms available yet. I hear there is plenty of space at Villa Guantanamo though.

I think it would be "easier" if you stopped obsessing over implications and just be who you are.

What difference does it make how he died? And so what if it was AIDS? Americans and their stupid preoccupation with the drama of death. Newsflash: EVERYONE DIES.

My Mom is a dwarf. Recently on a trip to LA we passed Kyle Richards, Kim Kardashian, and Streisand on Rodeo (not at the same time). Mom's comment was, "so many dwarfs, like me, except for the boobs!"

um, you've never been to LA, have you?

I get off on Power Rangers.

She would KILL on Brighton Beach!

Cocktail waitress marries LA shyster attorney, trades geriatric blow jobs for bankrolled videos and career in the gay club circuit, shallow twinks shimmy and shake to crafty, subversive lyrics, more shameless, delicious art from impresario Uncle Andy Cohen.

I am down with ANY brand that potentially takes revenue from those LULUlemon Ayn Rand worshippers. Kate Hudson, Beyoncé, Richard Simmons, anyone else want my cash?

Only if her cheek implants are the same size as her mother's.

Good Hiatus Surgery. Must have the same "dentist" as Bethenny.

Until this Princess was hired, I thought women like my Mom, who raised three kids, one disabled, without a partner, working 2 jobs in order to send us to college, then battling ovarian cancer, identity theft, foreclosure, then Lyme disease.......I thought she defined heroism. But Kate, having her BMI scrutinized after