
Man: a member of the species Homo sapiens or all the members of this species collectively, without regard to sex.

It says all 6.

It says all 6.

“I learned then that settlers could do whatever they wanted to me and mine.”

Probably self defense.

If you’re going to work as a contractor then you don’t get to complain about the fee or the lack of credit after the fact, unless it’s not what you agreed to. Get an agreement up front in writing or don’t do the work. I’m not old, but Jesus, it’s amazing how much our generation will whine and blame others for their

One thing I don’t understand about black protest in America is what they actually want to come from it. Pointing to things like the privatization of prisons, the drug war, lack of funding for inner city schools and programs, equal opportunity for higher education etc. would make sense. But generally all we hear is

All the liberals are capable of doing is standing peacefully in the cold, hurling shaming language like “homophobe”, “misogynist”, and “racist”, whining in university safe spaces, tweeting, and writing blogs. Not exactly a scary movement for change. Enjoy the next 8 years of Trump.

As a Vegas local I think we could have done much worse. The name isn’t awesome but it’s not terrible either, and at least my 7 year old son thinks it’s amazing and want’s merch.

More importantly, how many of you noticed the opening of the helmet forms a “V” for Vegas, a la the hidden M in the Milwaukee Bucks logo. Pretty sneaky!

There are actually quite a few Mexican Americans, especially in the south, who dislike illegal immigration as much, or even more so, than other races. And don’t forget, the hatred between Blacks and Mexicans will TRUMP anything white people have towards either.

What the hell are you talking about?

Ya, that’s due to the extra fee that goes to Sony or Microsoft.. but at least you get the console for close to (if not less than) cost.

Ya, that’s due to the extra fee that goes to Sony or Microsoft.. but at least you get the console for close to (if

Trump continues to troll the media and outrage blogs keep eating it up. This is almost as much fun as the campaign!

Patricia Hernandez gets paid to copy paste things from twitter, forums, youtube, and google image.. Most everything she posts is of little to no import and has no semblance of journalism.. she’s been doing it for years.

How do you know he didn’t vote for Trump? Careful with your racial profiling..

The game was $40.. if you paid $60 then you just paid an extra $20 for a few exclusive skins.

The game was $40.. if you paid $60 then you just paid an extra $20 for a few exclusive skins.

To be fair.. isn’t that your job?

Hey Alex. Fuck you, you racist. That’s all.

God performs miracles everyday, and I think it would have probably been better to let the pregnancy play out instead of murdering the unborn child just because it was likely not viable.

“during an election that is a national referendum on what percentage of the country is all-in for white nationalism”.