
Does anyone remember when Deadspin was more than just Ashley’s personal anti-trump soapbox? The good ol’ days.

Analysis: White $ > Black $
Conclusion: Racism

I was the victim of multiple eating disorders and I get PTSD triggered every time my coworkers mention lunch. I didn’t know I could potentially get an HR settlement from it.

It wasn’t racist until the social justice warriors found it on facebook. Now let the vitriol spew from the fingers of aspiring typists.

I wondered why the Rams offense looked like vintage UNLV. It’s good to see old Rob Boras still has a job.

As someone who has been a Vegas local for 25 years, I’ve waited with our typical pessimistic anticipation for a professional franchise to finally make it here. Now that its finally happening, I know we’ll somehow be screwed over by the terrible name Foley and Co. will choose. The only way this could be any worse if we

I wish more people would put these types of suggestions into practice and help defeat the obesity epidemic. It’s sickening to see so many dangerously overweight people walking around. If we want to progress as a society then we need to start by focusing on individual health.

I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the money they make. Most coaches view their players like they would view their kids and when they sense the media is looking for blood, as they were in this case, then the natural reaction is to want to protect them. I realize the new media is all about click bait and shock

Isn’t it possible that all of these comments aren’t from white devils trying to steal away the cultural identity of black Americans, but rather are meant to imply that Ali’s performance and personality allowed him to transcend and overcome the rampant racism that existed in America during the pinnacle of his career? I

I think there’s a difference between people who speak up because they are genuinely offended by hurtful speech and people who speak up because being offended is their natural state of mind and they need constant attention to validate their existence. That lack of distinction is what has caused the violent push back on

I see what they did there. It’s not really funny or informative but it took a small amount of cleverness. I don’t really get why this is shareable on Deadspin, other than to make fun of conservatives. However, I’m pretty sure posting dumb memes on facebook is a bipartisan effort.

Whew, I’m glad I didn’t choose this particular topic to fuel my daily outrage. I would have felt pretty dumb.

Josh Norman would like to thank white privilege for making him an extremely rich man.

If you don’t agree with the progressive vocal minority, you get fired in today’s America. I can’t wait for Trump to make our America great again.

You’re right. Poor people should be entitled to everything anyone else has, but should not be forced to pay for it. Feel the Bern!

CP3O - Human-Basketball relations

Yes, clearly the businessman who hails from two of the most diverse states in the country, and who has employed thousands of “minority” workers in his companies, being the Republican front-runner is proof that white supremacy is endemic in America.

So what would you call them? I thought we generally referred to all Caucasians as “white people”, and both Turkey and Lebanon are Caucasian countries.

Seriously. What is this country coming to when we can’t rely on the leader to re-post things from Instagram on a timely basis? America can’t even win at news.

Not bad, but I think the video was funnier when ESPN posted it yesterday.