She’s bout to cut somebody, but for gods sake, don’t be rude to her
She’s bout to cut somebody, but for gods sake, don’t be rude to her
In Putin’s Russia, ball kicks you.
Janoris Jenkins was at Florida during the Urban Meyer era, folks.
Are you reading a different comment section than this one?
They first have to go through the sham of an internal review as if they are Penn State or MSU.
What could be the delay? Trying to fire with cause and keep some money or something?
To be fair the current rav4 is still super capable for everything that the original first gen rav4 buyers used them for and infinitely more capable than the first gen at being an everyday car. For example a rav4 with decent tires is just unstoppable on a snowy road.
He couldn’t enter the gated community or he couldn’t enter his home in a gated community?
Can’t agree with you on this one. NO ONE should care what a 3-year-old girl is wearing any more than they should care what a 3-year-old boy is wearing.
And your saying that it’s ok “in her own home” but not in public is suspect, too. She’s not a sexual object ANYWHERE, so how is her “privacy” and what she does “in her…
There was a Service Charge of 23% added so that might be the auto-gratuity added in.
You missed the lead. Overweight and unathletic man wears tight purple shirt and blue jeans near a football field... and doesn’t get the stuffing beat out of him. Gee, if I only had 8 policemen following me around in high school, I might have had a better experience.
This video has been so wildly oversold I’m worried the market is going to crash
Because Hispanics, like black people, are a monolith?
lol this was almost too subtle in a good way
What’s less clear is why the Worldwide Leader would want Favre as the celebrity face of one of its biggest recurring live sports programs.
Bill is spelled B-I-L-L, not B-E-N.
Well at least Miami can expect a nice gift basket.