“Oh hey something’s coming at my drone at high speed, let’s fly toward it!” - That Guy
“Oh hey something’s coming at my drone at high speed, let’s fly toward it!” - That Guy
They re-opened this morning. I’d say it worked pretty well!
Hope that bad day (life?) of yours gets better...
I’ve known the owner of this dealership my whole life...I’m praying for them right now, that’s for sure...
If the irony of that statement is lost on you, I weep for the future.
This. THIS THIS THIS. Here, have a star!
Oh c’mon, you’re joking..
The real joke is capitalism itself.
I consider this to be my personal hell.
This. This this this this this. He’s not a CEO.
How does his behavior influence you as a potential customer, and how do you think it influences shareholders?
Nah, you and the many others saying the same thing are flat out wrong. Just because they’re subject to far more strict regulations doesn’t mean they should roll over and do nothing about Uber. That’s what Uber wants, and they are winning. An attempt needs to be made to disrupt their business, level playing field or…
This falls under “butthurt,” which I believe I addressed already..
That’s actually a good point. A friend of mine has been a State Farm agent for 40 years, I can confirm that that’s exactly what Uber drivers are doing in NJ at least...
Hit the nail on the head. They’d lose even less than that and have a shot at getting a leg up on the market if they did choose to do everything you just said. NYC cabbies did something similar, actually.
Lots of butthurt here. Instead of throwing a coordinated temper tantrum, why not make a coordinated effort to compete?
Came here for this, just making sure it got a mention! Jalops never disappoint when it comes to the important shit..
You’d think these people would consider that scenario before writing a knee-jerk hit piece, but then you realize this is the former Gawker we’re talking about here...
Lol wut
Why do I get the feeling that this drives like the Canadian PM’s limo?