They’ll be learning to code in due time!
They’ll be learning to code in due time!
I didn’t know I could cringe that hard
Ram releasing a truck which achieves ten real-world miles per gallon is a political statement
Ghosn did not implicate Shinzō Abe and the entirety of Japan’s conservative government, which bummed me out as it would have been very juicy.
‘92 actually. You and nine people missed my point - I was referring to the style, not the fact that it’s a luxury car. It’s so Nissan-y that any other logo looks comical! (I drive a Q50S RS400, maybe I’m a bit biased)
That interior looks almost comical with a Mitsubishi badge!
I was just at P&A Wood Rolls-Royce Bentley in Dunmow, England a week ago. Their service bay makes that one look like a pig sty!
I was speaking more to the ones that are actually afloat today - in any east coast port you’ll find several boats from different manufacturers all with that same design. It’s true that it’s dated, but some people LOVE that look. Full disclosure, this includes me.
In short, yes. Have you ever been to any popular east-coast ports?
This is a pretty cookie-cutter yacht, IMO. Certainly no mansion. Most of them look like this, tacky interior and all...
Good to know...thanks for the warning! Looks like I’m passing on the Ghibli..
You may have saved me from a few years of suffering, have a star!
I want to know if it broke down at all...I’m thinking about buying an off-lease Ghibli but I’m worried about Maserati’s across-the-board unreliability.
Mario Kart had it wrong!
I’m from Jersey myself. *rips authenticator and EAM out of hand*
I don’t like you.
Making auto repossession easy for lenders, Mayer said, “takes away some of their incentive to screen borrowers and only lend to those who can really afford the loan.”
That’s what we call a “Kodak”
Came here to say this, left satisfied. Thanks!
Dude he panned toward the chopper after it appeared on the horizon...