
Was THAT supposed to be English?

I love that you feel powerful thru memes and gifs.

You’re so dumb. The reason people are bringing children to the border is to get catch and released into the US. W signed the 2008 law that created this situation. Obama looked the other way. People figured out that if they bring kids, they get easy access to the US. Ryan and the RINOs keep proposing amnesty to appease

Pretty sure posting personal information on the internet can be punishable criminally.

How did Trump’s wig get a Kinja account?

What a grandstand. NY has no standing to sue. Please.

No private party can obtain a court order to enter and inspect another private party’s private property. Go read the fourth amendment.

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with.

It being difficult to do something is not an excuse to cheat the system. Do you want your doctor to be granted an MD without going thru 11 years of school?

I like your article. Authoriitarian principles can be applied both ways in a civil war. You talk tough but you deserve to be punched in the fucking face every time you step into public.

Fair enough. However DHS has immediate oversight and they should have gone thru the proper channels with a federal agency.

Exactly but a warrant and a court order are two different things. I’m from Colorado and prisons are big business there. I cant imagine just showing up at one and demanding to be shown around without prior arrangements. Elected official or not.

Exactly. Look how DWS is mean mugging like she’s really doing something. They were told they needed two weeks notice and to do some paperwork prior to arriving for AN APPOINTMENT.

It’s simple grandstanding. They didn’t want to be admitted. Other have toured these facilities but you can’t just show up at the door

“Since when do people obtain a court order to enter private property to inspect it?”

In America you can be arrested for trespassing. You cannot just go on people’s property willy nilly. We also have freedom of speech here and we intens to reserve that right.

The facility is a private facility. Its not govt owned. You need permission to enter a business even if you are a senator.

Since when do people obtain a court order to enter private property to inspect it?

I’m from Colorado and California. Both states have turned blue due to illegal migration. California turned into a bankrupt, trashy cesspool having been run by liberals for too long.

They still managed to make it into a photo-op which was the only reason they went there to begin with.