We’re not going anywhere and we have guns. If civil war break out, its traitors to the US like you who will be walking off of the pier.
We’re not going anywhere and we have guns. If civil war break out, its traitors to the US like you who will be walking off of the pier.
Yeah. Buy guns. Otherwise you people will lose the civil war.
Considering there are 12 states [CO being one] in which illegals can get drivers licenses, it may be a bigger problem soon enough.
Yes we already know how the Left feels about is. Colorado cleaned up their voter rolls and with all the focus on illegals voting recently, I expect Colorado to show its redness again. The state is red to the borders and all four corners. It was the illegals in Denver (130k) and the resorts which turned Colorado blue…
Trump has not spent years dehumanizing immigrants. These people are not immigrants; they are “migrants.”
Generalizing us away wont work. We are the majority.
The Japanese internment camps EO were signed by a Democrat.
Oh look. The brown person is being artested by another brown person?
If you cannot handle the free speech of a fellow American, YOU are the one who needs to GTFO.
We’re not scared.
Youre the bigot. A bigot is someone intolerant of the views of others.
The ideals this country was founded upon became codified into law. If you want to come to my country, gotta respect the law. If I break the law, I do not expect to take my kids to jail with me.
Well Ingraduated early a few decades back. You’re the one that needs to read up in whats going on in the world. You get your news from fake news sites, channels and people.
In retrospect, I should be somewhat fair. It was FDR that ordered the internment of the Japanese. But this one is 100% on the Republicans.
You’re a nazi.
Pay a competitive wage to an American?
10k of the 12k children in DHS custody were not traveling with their parents. Derp.
Its a federal misdemeanor to criss the border without inspection. Its a federal crime. These people are not families. These are human traffickers. These are rapefugees, raping the kids aling the journey. They are merely pretending to be families to gain import to the US like they would have under Ozero.
You’re not only a psychopath but a simpleton. All of you echo chamber dwellers can suck it n
Narrative is falsehood. Just say what is actually happening. Trump and Sessions are enforcing the law. When a person gets arrested, they dont take their actual kids nor their fake family with them to jail