
Two of Trump’s cabinet are black men but go ahead and claim Trump hates black people. 

You probably shouldnt trivialize the Holocaust by equating it to enforcement of US imm law by a POTUS who has broad powers to deny access to the US to not only a “class of aliens” but to deny access to “all aliens.”

Traditionally, POTUS does not get to nominate SCOTUS in his lame duck year. Also, the popular vote doesnt mean shit, especially when NY and CA practically invite foreigners to vote 

Islamophobia exists because Islamists carry out acts of terror in every nation except Poland and Hungary. Its not like we just decided to hate them randomly FOR NO REASON. 

ALL trump supporters are racist scum, and we will not forget who ALL trump supporters are racist scum, and we will not forget who they are.


Right, and 53% of the voters cast it for Trump.

Crybaby, party of two? Your table is ready.

Hell yeah, put that black lives matter sign in your front yard then go back to the status quo. Support evil corporations and let the government slowly be taken over by dark money while you watch TV.

I know, I know. It’s everyone’s fault but yours. Keep winning!

That’s my point, genius. Go back and read my comment again. Do you notice the part where I mention her “horrendous algorithm-based campaign strategy,” and that her platform was “not popular in vast swaths of the country.” Let me explain further:

Splinter is what an alternative media bubble looks like. Divorced from reality, but with a core group of supporters willing to egg them on over the cliff regardless

You’re a goddamned loon

Except this thread started because some jagoff thought it was more important to bash progressives under the guise of being mad at Trump.

They’re waiting for talking points from The Intercept. Or HamNo.

Was “feckless” the word of the day recently? I see it used all over the place suddenly.

Eat it, simpleton.

Hey, either you want effective change or you don’t. If you just want to rage, then go ahead, doesn’t hurt anybody. The problem is too many Democrats want what they want because they want it and aren’t willing to put in the work to make it happen. So go ahead an rail against whatever makes you feel better, but don’t

Bad news, there is a decent chance we’re not only stuck with this SCOTUS but an even more fucked up version of it as well considering the ages of RGB and Breyer.