
You’re the snowflake, melting at the prospect of children being separated from their parents. Maybe dont take your kids along when you break the law?

Do you think kids dont cry for their parents when they are arrested for any other crime and removed from the home? The only difference is that these parents removed the kids from their own home and brought them along on the commission of a crime.

Ozero legacy obliterated.


Its ok. Heading for SCOTUS. I’m sure SCOTUS will see to it that we can ensure that people are citizens prior to voting.

Who fucking cares? We’re under US law here. Asylum seekers must present themselves to officials to request asylum. Once you’ve been arrested for crossing illegally, its too convenient to claim you’re part of a family and you need asylum. Please. Come legally or GTFO.

The policy is to prosecute people that violate federal imm law. The fact that they brought kids to their crime as well as to a place with no family to care for them while the parents are in jail is not the fault of the US govt.

Two thirds of illegal aliens are visa overstays. One third are border jumpers. 100% of this is illegal.

Youre fucking stupid. Asylum seekers need to present themselves at border crossing checkpoints. Thats the legal way. Otherwise, off to federal detention.

You’re right. Its not. There is a way to do it and if you’ve crossed the border, its too late. You’ve committed a crime. Should have claimed asylum at the checkpoint like the law allows for.

I’ve made lots of arguments and I dont know which post youRe referring to

Crossing the border without inspection is a federal misdemeanor. To avoid being arrested and charged, you must present yourself at a border crossing and make your asylum claim at that point. After you’ve been arrested, its too late to ask for immunity from the law.

Always check posting history bc if you dont, we cannot maintain the stranglehold of censorship over ideas we find abhorrent.

The adults did this to themselves and their kids.

Requesting asylum has become a racket. Children cross the border speaking the words “credible fear” bc they have been coached what to say. Its fakery and we aint falling for it.

Engaging trolls= engaging other practical adults in a productive conversation about an issue even tho they disagree

Option 3 is to post something that incenses you fools to respond.

Nope. We are just hoping our immigration laws start getting some respect from wannabe welfare moms from Honduras.

The desperation is all you. We are WINNING. Keep wringing your hands and clutching your perals; it amuses me.

I’m a monster. These people had the choice to file for a visa and to immigrate legally. They didnt. Now, since you cant take your kids to jail with you, they are not getting into the US as they expected. I blame Ozero.