If I crossed a border with my kids, I would expect to be taken into custody and separated from my kids just the same as ifnInhad broken ANY OTHER LAW.
Melania speaks English and five other languages. Speaking English is a requirement for citizenship. She also immigrated legally. I know you cant tell the difference btwn a legal immigrant and an illegal migrant so I will let you wrestle with the distinction on your own.
I’m a super ultra genius trump supporter. You’re so dumb its sad.
I win again.
Spewing the party lines beats thinking for you. Its not hard to figure out that kids brought here illegally cannot be jailed like the parents.
The children are not imprisoned but they cannot be allowed to run away either. We are responsible for them and they are not allowed into our country since they didnt come the legal way. Its not hard to figure out.
Seeking asylum after breaking the law by jumping the border is a crime. You seek asylum at border crossings. Its not hard to figure out.
DING DING DING Proof that liberalism is a mental disease right here folks.
Tha makes zero sense. Most of the GOP are Christians who follow the Bible morality pretty strictly.
You re the fuckimg Nazi, demanding tht everyone accept your point ofnview as fact. These people came illegally when they could have come legally. They did this to themselves.
Trump will go down as the GEPOTUS. (Greatest ever)
Voice of reason^^^ nobody wants any teeming refuse.
I am willing to bet nobody in that room jumped the border with their mom.
Trump is great. Like TRULY. Enjoy it.
Rocket scientists hire skilled workers not border jumping welfare moms.
We believe that Trump is the greatest POTUS of the modern era. History will prove us right. REEEEE🐸
It blows my mind that idiots like you think 51 votes is the same as the 60 you need to get anything done.
Postnsomethingbworth responding to and you’ll pop out too