
... the president won the Republican party’s primary on an anti-illegal migration platform.

See how can we have a discussion when you dont even use facts?

I know facts are anathema to libtard logic but you guys are totally delusional if you think there is anything wrong with not sending kids to jail with the parents who have been arrested for a FEDERAL CRIME.

Your looking into a mirror, not out a window.

Private prisons are more efficient than govt run prisons.

The refugees and asylum seekers are creating a burden on us US taxpayers. Its not perceived; Its fucking real. Illegal migrants cost about $120B per year net after their “taxes” are taken into account. Building the wall would pay for itself in three months.

That IS English you illegal migrant.

These are not all claims for asylum. Even those that are claims for asylum are questionable bc the children use the words “credible fear” right out of the law In a coached attempt to receive asylum. As Nielsen said, asylum seekers are to seek asylum in the first safe nation they land in. For many of them, that was

What happens when you get arrested for any crime? Your kids go to family and you go to jail. Same applies here.

Yes bc you cannot take your kids to jail when you go to federal detention. Same with any crime yet illegal aliens should get special status? GTFOH

CHILD CONCENTRATION CAMPS? LMFAO you people are so simple its amusing. Maybe dont bring your kids along when you break into somebody’s nation.

Its time to stop dragging your kids to your crime scenes and expecting it all to turn out ok.

I grow weed. I made a choice not to have kids bc I was worried about my choices affecting any kids. I also never expected to take them to prison with me when I am prosecuted. Yet, thats what you fucking retards think these law breakers should get to do.

This is LAW ENFORCEMENT. i know you dont recognize it but thats what IT IS.

Yeah, its not the third world upbringing, the tortuous journey or the impoverished parents willing to break the law and bring kids along causing the trauma. Its the place they’ve only been at for weeks. Makes total sense.

Well, we arent giving up our guns so you can forget about negating the 2nd amendment which SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Would you cross into Iran or North Korea illegally with your kids and hope for the best?

All the Cali GOP reps are elected by people who agree with them. MAGA candidates are winning. Red wave 2018 2020

Our kind are not welcome here and yet we are the Nazis.

There are 70 million Americans ready to re elect Trump RIGHT NOW.