Trump’s children are exemplary.
Trump’s children are exemplary.
Obama and Hilbag are the barnacles on the USS America and Trump is Captain of the ship.
Petty. Obama golfed too and got less done to benefit Americans. Trump is achieving things and solving problems. As long as he is doing that, he can golf all he wants.
Wishing the POTUS death. Classy, libtard. Thisnis why no one takes yournarguments seriously.
Then quit fucking enjoying America so much. Leave it to us.
HAhaha you guys dont wanna give Trump credit for dissolving the problem with Rocket Man. First he is too aggressive and then he is too nice. You fucking fools twist your minds like pretzels to make Trump the bad guy. Its fucking great watching you suffer as he succeeds. Trump 2020.
That jarring feeling was you getting redpilled by THE TRUTH. ozero was the guy caging children.
You simpletons dont get it. Its not the Trump admin policy to separate families at the border. It is a judicial decision that children cannot go to jail with their parents. The Trump admin policy is to prosecute border crossers. Ergo, if you dont want to be separated from your children, dont bring them to your crimes.…
Disgusting fake photo
Father of five kids, three of whom have advanced degrees from dinstinguished insitutions. His grandchildren speak several languages as does his wife. None of his kids get arrested for drugs or raping anyone at college.
Being a survivor, a kickboxer and a general badass, I like my chances better than yours.
Well your post makes zero sense except to reveal your own xenophobia and bigotry towards ppl who think differentlt than yourself.
What does socialism have to do with bombs? Obama was a cultural Marxist.
Blame those responsible: the parents.
Your border patrol friend is married to an immigrant from Mexico, genius.
Haha waaah!
We have guns for the civil war if you want the war. Buy a gun.
Trump and Stephen Miller are geniuses. Its hilarious that the libtard left thinks separating children from adults is actually ripping children from parents. These are some actual families but many are faking it to get softer treatment from US Govt. By breaking up the fake families, we are deterring people composing…
No its the migrants fault for coming illegally with somebodies kids. Get itnthru your thick skull.