Since when is Jalopnik an “industry blog”?
Since when is Jalopnik an “industry blog”?
The traffic is awful and so are other drivers. Room to really open it up and go fast is hard to come by. The streets are riddled with potholes and road damage. And to top it all off, there’s garbage everywhere
It’s probably in “roller mode”, which turns off all the nannies, even ABS and such.
Make it a roadster. It’s easy. Just ditch the frumpy “City Car” shell. Put wider tires on it. Push the two seats back and lay them down a bit. Add a Targa panel. Done. I’m going to keep saying this until somebody from BMW get’s their head out of their ass and makes a fun, little sports car out of what is in essence a…
I never took mine to a dirt track but the i3 was definitely the most interesting car I’ve ever owned, and a close 2nd to the most fun car I’ve ever owned (my old SR swapped S13 coupe). People don’t like the way they look, which is fine, but most are so vain that they won’t even give it a chance, and that’s too bad.
His wife certainly hasn’t been fucking him. I wouldn’t either - he’s a piece of shit.
Who fucked your wife?
yeah, innovation must suck for you. I mean, why in the hell do we need a falcon heavy rocket? Let’s just use old Apollo rockets to do space work....
Professional haters gonna professionally hate
Tesla is about 15 years old. GM is about 100 years old. Reacting poorly to an old man beating up a little kid doesn’t make someone a “fanboy.”
Sorry I saw the bolt and immediately threw up.
This is the internet. A percentage of people must hate a Thing beyond reason based purely on the fact that another percentage loves that Thing with equal lack of reason.
Haters gonna hate
I always wonder about comments like this. I mean, if Tesla dies off suddenly it’s the fanboys who bought in to Tesla who lose money. And if by some chance Tesla makes it, it will be those very same fanboys money you can thank for it.
I can’t tell if you honestly were trying to be funny, or just racist. Either way, this was garbage.
His stand up is so full of eye-rolling bullshit and he often pivots from this really arrogant, patronizing upper middle class-white-maleness-makes-me-naturally-objective place that is so obnoxious it’s unbearable. And other similar people think, of course, that he is some kind of fucking luminary rather than a meh…
He seems lovely and I wish everybody well (for whatever random internet commenter wishes count for). But geez this feels so fast to me.
Nope. Wife dies suddenly in her sleep and he’s married a year later? NOPE.