
It doesn’t get much more controversial than this:

There’s huge disconnect between Jalops/Internet car enthusiasts and people that are actually buying new cars.

The Elio. The most controversial automobile of 2014 2015 2016.

I think the Model 3 will succeed.. eventually. I believe a vast majority of early reservation holders will not receive their cars until mid to late 2018 at the earliest. I am not trying to discredit Tesla in anyway as I really do hope they prove me wrong, but I am also a realist when it comes to ramping up a major

Jerry, get a job.

You’re such a Jerry.

You’re a stupid cunt.

My Lappy 486 doesn’t have one of those fancy refresh buttons.

Woh, using curse a word in the title. So edgy! Why bother writing a decent article when you can sound like a super rad outlaw with just a title?! Yeah!

I. Ya Mar, Blowing off studying for Pre-cal test but yolo, Harpua, Texting Steve about that Harpua, Calling Mike’s Song, Wading in a Velvet Sea

“I’ve never been into Phish, partly because I had a really awful roommate in college who loved them.”

You’re an idiot.

What the fuck has quality to do with honesty of speech??? Oh, I understand now that you Americans do not know what an honest speech is... sorry!

This is exactly why we need self driving cars. Everyone is a shitty driver.

Hey how about shut the hell up with spoilers

How dare you attempt to formulate an actual strategy that goes beyond the current mania for taunts, jeers and contempt.

I’m not saying there isn’t racism and sexism. There’s a lot of both.


Do we have to always say “fucked”? Is that obligatory now?