“Irving, who by all accounts is an intelligent and thoughtful man...”
“Irving, who by all accounts is an intelligent and thoughtful man...”
Then you get on stage and pull a Michael Jordan, you eviscerate everyone, you seethe pettiness.
I’m just...I’m so done with this conversation. It’s immensely frustrating seeing people comment and having people agree that meeting with the racist sitting in the Oval Office is remotely helping anything.
This? This right here? This is everything I hate about console wars in a nutshell. It’s just a bunch of petty b.s. that gets in the way of playing games. I know I’m definitely biased because I’m an Xbox player, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying or stupid. (Also, to anyone who would suggest I buy a PS4, I…
I’ll respect someone standing up for their beliefs right up to the point where their belief is that an entire group of people that can’t change who they are is somehow less. “I don’t hate gays, I just don’t think they should get married and I won’t play soccer while wearing a jersey that celebrates them as people” is…
“It’s not a pick and choose what you want to believe.”
Think of this moment the next time you’re being told to fall in line and vote for a corporate Democrat in the name of party unity.
Not surprising that they’re friends. The past couple years of offensive line play have demonstrated that Carroll also doesn’t believe in safe spaces.
Reparations aren’t coming. Get what you can get, or develop a taste for that government cheese.
It was illegal to sell and consume alcohol in the US. The Mob, the Bronffman (Seagrams) family, the Kennedy family, and MANY others made a killing. Some continued and others moved into legitimate businesses. this is the crooked ladder to success. MANY families have done this.
I’d ask you to recommend me a book, but I don’t think you could give me the full title.
“Stinks of weed constantly”😑😑 Come on now. Have ever once complained about a town “stinking of tobacco constantly”? At least cannabis doesn’t contribute to cancer.
He campaigned for trump in 2016. His daughter stumps for him every day on the view. He’s a coward, a traitor and he deserves to leave this world knowing it.
Her failure is like a gift from Black Santa.
ATTENTION TRUMP BASE; You are being played as rubes while these people rob you blind.
Ha ha, she thinks J. Edgar Hoover was a paradigm of integrity who wouldn’t interfere with American politics, that’s cute. Go back to school, Meghan, you missed a few chapters.
Which is ironic because she’s only sitting where she is today because of her father. No one would ever hire her if she was Jane Doe.
Every time I read a story like this about one of Trump’s nominees, I am reminded of how Hillary Clinton’s emails made her a totally unacceptable candidate. Just not worthy of the Presidency.